22. why did you hurt yourself?

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Stella's P.O.V

I sit against the tree, my back grazing the rough bark with my fists balled. Staring at the ground with my eyebrows furrowed, I punch the rock laying next to me. I let out a whimper because hitting a rock hurts, but I couldn't control how angry I was. I know the commotion in the cabin is going to be spread. That's how people are and you can't do anything, whether if those rumors are true or fake.

I can't believe she said all that. I can't believe she's still stuck on the incident that happened so many years ago. She hasn't stopped to always lurk around me and make my life worse. What happened back then had nothing to do with me. I was young and dumb and I don't understand that after all these years, after all the time I spend and grown with her...

A tear rolls down my cheek and I wipe it away quickly. I'm definitely not letting anyone see me cry, even if was a stupid thing to cry on.

I should be used to Luna's nagging and nonsense. It's pointless trying to get to her and listen to what actually happened on my side of the story.

She blames my father for what happened when really, it was her mother's fault. Her mother was the reason why my dad isn't here now. But she doesn't know that and I don't think she's ever going to.

The images of her mother swarm my mind.

The event that happened so long ago...

I hear someone coming as I quickly wipe my teared stained cheeks with my sleeves. I don't want anyone to see me crying as I let out a shaky sigh to realize it's Stuart. He bends down to put his hands on his knees, while panting heavily. He straightens himself and wipes the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his flannel.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, putting my knees close to my chest. I let out a soft huff as I stare at the distance.

"I've been looking everywhere for you! Are you okay?" He asks, trying to look at me as I cover my face with my sleeves. I didn't want to talk to him right now. I don't like to open up about my feelings. I just want everything to fade away.

"Get lost," I grumble quietly, my eyes still blurry.

He pauses for a moment, looking at my hidden face. I don't know if he's seen my tear stained face or my trembling fingers under my sleeves but he lets out a soft sigh. "Okay, then. Take your anger- wait. Did you hit yourself?" He asks, staring at my bleeding hand. I can feel the blood dripping down my fingers as Stuart takes a seat next to me.


He raises his eyebrow, "No, I'm assuming it's paint."

"Stop being sarcastic, just leave me alone. Do you not understand simple English?" I retort.

"You need to get that checked," he says, looking closely at my hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask, irritated at what he's doing. His eyes are 2 inches away from my hand and it's making me feel uneasy.

"Trying to see if I can find anything. It's bleeding a lot though."



"Do me a favor, and leave me alone before your face is the one that smacks that rock, okay?"

He stands up, realizing that I'm in no intention to talk to him or even listen to him as he gives me one long look. "Stella, I know what you're feeling. You can't hide all of that inside you. There's people here to help you. Whatever she said, forget it. It's bullshit. We all know that she can't just put you down like that. You know that right? Just keep that in mind. And...make sure you get that thing checked." He glances at me once more as he walks towards the cabin. Before he leaves, he looks over his shoulder where he sees my shaken form and gives me a concerned look. "Please don't cry over this alright?"

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