10. the other side of Stuart

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Stella's P.O.V

I grin as I meet Jennie by her locker as she gives me a puzzled look while she sorts things through her locker. I couldn't stop smiling and I think I'm creeping her out because she finally closes her locker and stops to look at me directly in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asks, peering at me through her specs.

I nod. "As okay as I'll ever be!"

"Okay? Why are you smiling? So much?"

"I saw the greatest thing ever!!" I cry out happily.

She finally understands what I'm saying and cracks a smile, "Luna and her friends?"

"Oh my gosh!!! It was the funniest thing I ever saw in my life!"

"Wait, you weren't there. How do you know about it?" Jennie asks.

"During lunch, I was with Shauna and Degray, so then Luna just burst in covered in ketchup, mustard and water and I couldn't stop laughing! She kept blaming me for ruining her hair and dress and it was just so stupid. She's such a snob and then Miles, Minho and Thalia also came covered in those toppings and then they just stood there and started talking. I instantly knew that it was Milo who did it." I cry, still grinning.

"It was funny though. Milo got in trouble too but it was chaos! I'm not even sure how he thinks about these things. The lunch lady went crazy when everyone was throwing food. Apparently, Gus got a hold of cheese pizza and flung it at her by accident." Jennie says.

"Really? Gus is in the prank war too? And he threw it at Old Mona? That's pretty funny. I don't like her since she always serves me the bad slices," I say, scrunching my nose.

"You hate everyone." Jennie states.

"Not everyone. I love you, Jen."

"Course you do; I've got you out of your fights at least 100 times."

"Oh please, that's called luck," I scoff.

"Very funny."

"Anyway, Degray has 2 crushes," I say, as Jennie raises her eyebrows.

"Really? Who?"

"Luna and Thalia! It's hilarious. Thalia was literally gushing when she saw him. He looked so uncomfortable while Luna was trying to flirt with him. I so wish I brought a camera with me!"

"Luna and Thalia? They have crushes on the guy you hate? Ouch," Jennie says.

"It's kind of amusing, I get to tease him about it. Especially knowing those two attention seekers. Oh Stewie, stay tuned," I sigh and smile as Jennie rolls her eyes at me, a soft smile on her face.

"Wow alright then. Have fun making fun of those two. So did you pay the money?" She asks. I nod and she lets out a sigh.



"Why did you sigh like that?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm relieved that you actually remembered, otherwise you're so forgetful." Jennie says.

"That's not true! I am not forgetful!"

"Oh really? Let me tell you how you're not 'forgetful'. Remember that one time when I told you to bring the icing for the cupcakes for the bake sale? And then you forget, and we had to sell cupcakes without the icing? Oh wait, we didn't sell anything!"


"Oh and that one time when you forgot to bring the birthday cake for Sydney, and we had to put candles on the pizza to make it look like a birthday cake? Writing happy birthday with green peppers?" She says, folding her arms and raising her eyebrow.

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