6. you lied!

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Stella's P.O.V

I leap out of the car as my mom's voice warns me to tie my shoelaces so that I don't fall flat on my face. Immediately I crash into Jennie, who grabs onto a startled Gus, and she shoots me a baffled look.

"Whoah!" Gus cries out, lifting his arms in the air as Jennie smiles weakly at him. "Sorry, Gus. It's Stella."


Jennie brushes the dust off her pants, with a look of annoyance, and turns to face me, fixing her glasses. "Try cross country would you?"

"Nah, I'm not into running." I shrug, shouldering my backpack and giving her a cheesy smile.

"Not into running? Man, you're like a spark of electricity, any place of contact, and we're dead." Gus chuckles, showing sparks of electricity with his hands and making weird noises.

He's being over dramatic again.

"Funny, Gus." I give him my classic eye roll.

Milo, in a blue shirt and fresh denim jeans, walks towards us. He pushes his red baseball cap up on his head, exposing his forehead that seemed to be glimmering with sweat underneath the hot sun. He shoots us the classic flashing smile. "Hey guys."

"Hey Milo." Jennie greets with a smile, as Gus and him have a fist bump moment. I always found it weird how guys just fist bump each other like every five minutes. Curious, I pry the baseball cap off his head. "What's that?"

"A baseball cap?" He scrunches his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah I know that. But why do you have it?"

"It was a gift from my dad, for winning my baseball game yesterday."

"Oh, yea! I forgot you played baseball," Jennie says sheepishly.

"You actually won a baseball game?" I raise my eyebrow at him questionably as he rolls his eyes at me.

"Why do you always question my athletic ability?" He retorts as he takes his baseball cap away from my hands. I let out whimper as he rolls his eyes again, placing it back on his head.

"Well... because I read a lot about previous athletes who were only good at sports because of certain drugs and I'm having trust issues now."

"You always had trust issues." Gus says.

"Wait, you mean steroids." Milo says.

"Yes steroids." I say to Milo and then look at Gus, "Maybe you should be happy that I trust you."

Gus doesn't say anything.

"Okay, then..." Jennie stretches the word as the bell rings and all the kids that were once around us begin to run up the stairs to attend their classes. Watching them dash towards the open door of the school, I sling my arm around Jennie, smiling sweetly. "So, Jen..."

She looks at me with her eyes narrowed. "What do you want?"

"What do you mean what do I want? Can't I talk to you? You know, since we're like sisters from different mothers?"

Jennie gives me a strange look before rolling her eyes. "Okay...? Go on." Milo and Gus have already scampered through the hall, leaving us behind in the dust of students with various coloured backpacks and textbooks. "Got any good...?"

"Is this about Stuart?" She asks almost immediately that I almost tripped in my spot.

Maybe I should have listened to my mom and tied my shoelaces.

"Umm... I guess?"

She turns her head to face me with a suspicious gleam in her eyes. "What are you going to do to him?"

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