18. hot dog business

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Stella's P.O.V

When we actually reach the campsite, the students are sitting on various picnic tables scattered around the area and eating dinner. I shoot Stuart a glare, because after being stuck in the woods for what seemed like forever, I'm pretty hungry and my stomach sounds like a dying whale.

Maybe two dying whales.

"Food!" Gus cries -voicing out my thoughts-  clutching onto his stomach as he licks his lips.

"I hope it's good food," I say as I look around the area. It did smell good though.

We find an empty picnic table and sit down, instantly mosquitoes start having a feast on my arm.

I swat at the mosquitoes making a hiss sound."Get off!"

Jennie gives me a puzzled look as she places a napkin on the wood table, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, typical camping problems. Insects are having a feast on my arm."

"A feast, huh? Care if my mosquitoes join in?" Stuart asks, smirking at me as he shoves his arm in my face.

I glare at him as I push his arm away, "Keep your mosquitoes to yourself, Degray. I wouldn't want to have your mosquitoes' infectious malaria."

"Come on guys, get up! Food!" Milo cries as he begins to pull on my arm, as he eagerly gets up and runs to the refreshments table.

I wince as I rub my arm, feeling Milo's strong grip, "Come on, before he eats the whole thing up," I say, rolling my eyes at how Milo dashed to fill his small stomach.

We walk towards the small line and wait to get our food. An assortment of corn on the cobs, mashed potatoes, variety of juices, mixed vegetables, coleslaw, burgers, hot dogs, garlic bread, French fries and different spices is laid on the food table.

I'm surprised we're given this much food.

"What's this?" I ask as I roam around the food table, picking up a bottle filled with some red powder.

"I don't know. Some kind of powder?" Jennie says, looking at the bottle as she squints. "It could be a spice."

"Actually, it's paprika." Laura says, wedging between Jennie and me. I almost drop my plastic plate as I shoot her a look.

"What's paprika?" I ask, wondering if I've ever heard my mom talk about it. My mother, who loves to cook, always gushes about various dishes and spices yet paprika sounds foreign on my tongue.

Guess I didn't pay enough attention to her.

"Paprika is a powdered spice with a deep orange- red color and a mildly pungent flavor, made from dried and ground fruits of certain varieties of peppers," Laura says, giving a proud smile.

"Did the dictionary tell you that?"

"No. I cook," she frowns as if she's disappointed in me and proceeds to grab a corn on the cob and scurries away from me.

"Um okay." I say slowly as Jennie lets out a giggle.

I grab a burger, fries, mashed potatoes and a piece of garlic bread and head towards the picnic table. I notice lanterns on the trees and find a lantern sitting on the middle of the table. I guess it's mosquito repellent, but it's put in a very unique and aesthetically pleasing way.

I sit down next to Gus and Jennie, and across from me is Stuart, Jordan and Milo.

"Who knew people barbecue while camping?" Gus says, as he takes a big bite out of his burger. "Man this is awesome."

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