31. find the mango

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Stuart's P.O.V

"Hey Stewie." I feel someone shaking me as I squeeze my eyes.

I groan and turn to my left side, "5 more minutes...."

"Stuart wake up!! Come on-"

"Stella.... stop...." I whine as I shut my eyes, trying to push her away.



Then it suddenly hits me.

 "Wait... you're not Stella..." 

Stella never calls me by my name. She's been stuck on that nickname since the day I met her. She never calls me by my name unless she's really mad at me.

I bolt out of my sleeping bag and find myself face to face with Thalia.

"Again?!" I shriek.

Thalia's eyes widen slightly due to how high my pitch was. She relaxes as she smiles at me and rubs small circles on my knee. "I'm not Stella, Stewie. It's-"

"Yes I know who you are! What are you doing here?!"

"Waking you up, silly. Don't get so angry, Stewie." She smiles once again at me and I scrunch my eyebrows at her.

"Only Stella calls me Stewie."

I'm pretty used to Stella calling me Stewie, she has it practically branded on my forehead. But when Thalia says it, it makes me feel uncomfortable. 

I don't like her calling me that.

She looks at me with sad eyes but I can't tell if it's for show. "But Stewie's just a nickname, sweetie. There's no harm."

"Well, think about it this way. I don't like you calling me Stewie. Call me Stuart all you want but not Stewie. That nickname is horrible, anyway." 

Her hurt eyes change as she glares at me, "It's not so horrible when Stella calls you that, huh?"

I purse my lips as she raises her eyebrow at me. I've just gotten so used to her calling me Stewie that it doesn't even bother me anymore. Sometimes, I like it when she calls me by a nickname.

It's kind of cute, I guess?

To try to avoid an awkward situation, I decide to change the subject, "Why are you waking me up first of all? There's supposed to use some stupid megaphone that wakes us up."

Thalia smiles mischievously which causes me to move a few inches away from her. "Oh honey, I woke you up much earlier."


"I want to spend some time with you." She replies, smiling sweetly at me.

I try not to freak out and throw a pillow at her as Thalia starts to move closer.

Her hand brushes down my arm and I feel my skin tingle. I'm sure the hairs on my arms have shot up with her cold fingers dancing on my skin.

Shit. What do I do?

"Umm... that's cool and all but like I said before...Thea-"

Shit. I'm panicking.


"Thalia... sorry. I'm not interested."

"Obviously you're not. It's because of Stella, isn't it?" She cocks an eyebrow as I stare at her.


"DUH. Face the fact that Stella doesn't like you. She treats you like crap and you know that, so don't say anything mister. And second of all, she likes that guy.... What's his name? oh... right... Derek." Thalia snorts as she moves her hand away from my arm.

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