21. food fight

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Stuart's P.O.V

The sun shines through my tent causing the inside to look like it's glowing. I squint as I pull myself up and find Jordan sleeping next to me. I grab onto his arm and shake him, causing him to sprawl in his covers. He pushes his covers away, his hair tousled and messed up, and gives me a baffled look. He's half awake but he manages to give me an irritated look.

"What?" He demands, squinting through his eyes.

"Wake up."

"You could've woken me up in a better way," he complains as his head falls back on the pillow. He lets out a groan as he ruffles his hair and it sprawls on his forehead.  He pulls the blanket over his head and ignores my shaking.

"I didn't so get up."

After another 10 minutes of trying to wake Jordan, we both get up and head to the boy's room as Jordan grumbles while giving me a kick, getting ready for breakfast. I can already smell the various food cooking in the distance. 

Eggs, pancakes, pastries and even bacon.

Oh bacon.

We find the cabin where we're supposed to eat breakfast in (I guess it's called the breakfast cabin) and find the whole place filled with students sitting on bench tables and laughing. They're all conversing with each other with smiles on their faces and enjoying some good breakfast.

I see Milo throw his grape into the air and try to catch it in his mouth.

There's a whole line of desserts, consisting of cupcakes, brownies, apple pie, some kind of vanilla cake and ice cream sundaes. I can't tell if this is a camp or a buffet.

Or worse, what happened to being healthy and enjoying the outdoors?

I grab a paper plate and take some food. Hash browns, cereal, a brownie, scrambled eggs and a pudding cup consist of the items on my plate. Jordan gets me a glass of orange juice and we sit next to Gus and Milo.

"Where's everyone?" Jordan asks, putting his plate down.

"I don't know," Milo says, munching on his granola bar.

I didn't have to know where she was because she comes running inside, quickly dodging a boy walking with his food and jumping into the seat across from us. Her cheeks are flushed pink while her hair is a bit messy. She pats her hair down, blowing some from her face as she calmly lets her fingers go through her dark strands while she gives us a smile.

"What'd you do this time?" Gus asks as he stabs his eggs with a plastic fork.

She stops fixing her hair to give a baffled look, "Why would you say that?"

Jennie walks towards our area, putting two plates on the table as she nibbles on her cupcake. "Because of the way you were running. We thought you did something," Gus says as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Nah you got it wrong. I'm just hungry," she takes a bite out of her pancake and closes her eyes, letting out a small contented sigh.

"Hey Stewie, can ya get me some icing sugar?"

I was about to tell her to get it herself before Jordan smiles at her,"I'll get it. I need to get some maple syrup anyway." He offers and carefully grabs Stella's plate. She smiles sweetly at him as he winks at her and leaves the table.

What the heck was that?

"He is so much nicer than you," Stella says, scrunching her nose at me.

"Thanks." I mumble as I watch Jordan walk towards the food, looking for the icing sugar.

Why did he wink at Stella and why did she smile so sweetly at him?

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