43. bus rides and bickering

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Stella's P.O.V

I sit with Jordan at the back of the bus with Gus and Minho right beside us. Jennie and Stuart make their way right in front of us and I can't help but smile at Stuart covering his face with his Mets baseball cap.

"Doesn't it suck not going to the museum?" Gus asks as he sinks into his seat.

"Are you that desperate Gus?" I smirk as he shoots me a glare.

"It would've been fun. Right Stuart?"

"It's all up to you." He says as I just roll my eyes at his side comment.

"Gus is right. It would've been fun. Museums have nice art protraits." Jordan says, smirking at me.

"Quiet artistic jock." I whisper as he grins at me.

"I hate the fact that these bus rides take so long." Jennie frowns as Stuart nods his head in agreement. "You know how hard it is to get away from Thalia? She's such a pain!"

"Really? Thalia is now your pain? I thought it was Stella!" Gus exclaims as I shoot him a glare. Stuart's annoyed face suddenly turns into a smug look as he sits back down, avoiding eye contact with me.

Gus awkwardly scratches his head as he mumbles a soft, "Sorry."

We're all silent for a few minutes. Mrs. Rogers mumbles something to the bus driver as I watch her gather her big red book and take a seat in the front of the bus. Mrs. Man tells us that we should reach school from 2 hours from now.

I sigh as I lean my head on the semitransparent window. I hear Stuart heave a sigh, "I hate this bus so much." He mutters.

"We're at least far away from Thalia and Luna." Gus says, trying to be optimistic as I just roll my eyes again.

"How about we not think about them for a while?" Jordan offers, raising his eyebrows at me and Gus.

"I'm not thinking about them." I say as he gives me a look of questioning. I have much better things to think about than those two.

"It hurts doesn't it?" Stuart asks. I furrow my eyes as I hear Stuart. There's a tone of pure sarcasm that I don't fail to notice.

What's this guy's problem? He's so annoying!

"What hurts?" 

"Eric." He replies as I feel his name pierce my heart.

Although it hurts to see Luna with him, I have to wrap my mind around the fact that we have reconciled and become friends again.

Jordan looks over at me, his eyes showing concern as he waits for my reply. I didn't tell him that I already talked with Eric, but I still feel sad.

"It hurts you doesn't it?" I snap back. Gus stares at me and frowns. He just keeps silent as he observes us between the constant conversations on the bus among the other students.

"What hurts me? Nothing hurts me." Stuart retorts.

"Stop lying. It does hurt you seeing Luna with him." I say bitterly. I don't know why he always has to make my life so miserable. He has to say something that he probably knows hurts me. I know he's talking about Eric.

"I don't like Luna." Stuart confirms as I roll my eyes, letting out a scoff.

"Okay, hey..... how about we take it a little easy," Jennie tries to handle the situation as she notices the tense situation brewing.

"Yeah, Jennie's right. The moment I find a good VPN and possibly a laptop to convert and save these awesome videos, we can all get together and watch them." Gus smiles happily which makes me smile. I know how much he loves making videos and he wants us to be together, for as long as life is ahead of us.

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