32. canoeing and confessions

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Stella's P.O.V

We follow Eric to the same lake where the fishing happened on the first day. I hope I wasn't going to fall into that place again especially after that fish reeled me in. We weren't the first ones there because the others had started getting into their canoes and grabbing their paddles.

 "What number is ours?" Stuart asks as he looks at the canoes displayed around us.

"Number 25." Eric replies as I immediately dash to our canoe, seeing the number carved into the side.

"Here it is!!!" I call out as Stuart and Eric jog towards me. The canoe is a dark brown wood colour, with two sets of oars and some life jackets.

"Aw great." I mutter with a frown.

She always has to come and ruin the moment, doesn't she? My eyes glare at the brunette a few canoes away from me. I roll my eyes when I see her give me a glare as well.

That's how we say hello these days.

"What? Why are you making that face?" Eric asks, looking at my weird nose scrunched face.

"It's Luna." I grumble as Luna's group approaches us.

Eric's eyebrows shoot up as he looks at me, "Luna's here too?"

"Well hello there." Luna says as she smiles sweetly.

It's all fake. It's all a show.

"What do you want?" I ask as Gus lowers his head. He scoots away from Luna but she immediately tugs his arm and pulls him beside her again.

Poor Gus. He has some tough stuff going on. He gives me a look that says "HELP ME", as he's fiddling with his camera.

"Uh... to get a canoe? Obviously my team is going to win." Luna says as she lets out a little laugh.

"Yeah right. Just wait until you see my team race to the finish line." I say, putting my hands on my hips as Luna snickers.

"Um..." Gus mumbles as Luna glares at him.

"Oh shut it, camera boy. Get my close up." She says as she throws her hair behind her shoulder and smiles at the camera lens.

Gus sighs as he opens his camera and starts to film Luna.

"That's Luna?" Eric asks after a few minutes. His eyes widen when he focuses on Luna's form.

He's in complete awe. His mouth his hung open as Luna furrows her eyebrows at him, as if she's not aware of who he is.

"Of course it's Luna. Luna Williams." She says as she sees Eric's lips break out into a grin.

"Luna? It's really you? Wow, I almost didn't recognize you."

Luna glances towards me as if to ask who it is standing next to me.

"Uhm...sorry but do I know you?" She asks as she gives Eric a questioning look.

Eric seems embarrassed as he says, "Um.... You don't remember me? I'm Eric. Eric-"

"Wait. Eric Castor?" Luna's mouth opens wide as she looks at the tall boy in front of her.

Eric nods his head with a smile on his face. "Yeah it's me. Your best friend Eric."

Luna smiles at him as I watch the both of them. They both can't stop smiling at each other and I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Jheez boy, you've changed so much." Luna laughs lightly as Eric runs his fingers through his hair with a shy smile.

"Yeah well...puberty?"

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