26. i got into a fight

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Stella's P.O.V

What the heck is wrong with him?

One minute he's holding onto me so desperately as if he was scared that I would let go and the next minute he's accusing me of being the reason why we fell.

We were so close to each other. So close that I could feel his breath on my face and see just how hazel his eyes actually were.

I stare at the dirty bandage wrapped around my hand and lift my sleeve up to see some scratches due to the fall.

How many times do I have to injure myself on this trip?

This time I'm aware where the infirmary cabin is and I make my way towards it. The stairs make the same creaky sound as I walk up and place my hand on the door. I slowly open the wooden door and peek my head in to see if there is anyone inside.

I find Lori sitting and reading something that is placed on her desk.

"Hello?" I say quietly as Lori picks her head up to the sound of my voice. She puts her book down and smiles at me. "Stella. How are you? Are you okay?" She asks as she invites me inside.

I sit on one of the chairs in the room. "Yes."

"How is your hand?" She asks as she sits across from me. She's wearing a mickey mouse uniform. Cute.

I look at the bandage wrapped around my hand, "Umm... fine I guess."

She takes a closer look and then smile softly." Hmm... How about I change the bandage?"


She takes the old dirty bandage off and I notice my cut is slowly healing. Lori grabs another clean bandage and some alcohol wipes to clean my cut again.

She places the alcohol wipe on my cut and begins to gently clean it. I wince at the stinging sensation on my hand.

 "I'm sorry. I know it stings. I'm almost done."

"No... it's okay..." I say as she gently cleans my cut.

"Stella, what happened to your clothes?" She asks as I look down and notice the dirt and the grass stains.

"Me and this boy," I didn't want to say his name because of the stupid fight we just had, "fell off the hiking trail."

"Oh? And how was that?" She asks as she starts wrapping the bandage around my hand.

"I honestly don't know. We got into a fight and-"

" Is he your boyfriend?"

I'm sorry what?

I widen my eyes at what she just said to me.

"What? No! Definitely not. Nope."

Boyfriend? No way. Stuart Degray? I'd be mental if I ever ended up with him.

We're like fire and ice anyways. It would never work out.

"Oh my bad then. Do you have a boyfriend?"

Why is she asking me about this? I feel like I'm getting interrogated.

I shake my head and Lori gives me a surprised look.

Her eyebrows shoot up as she throws the old bandage away. "What? Really? A beautiful girl like you would probably have boys running after you. How old are you?"


"Senior year?"

"No, junior."

"So, you and this boy are not getting along or something?"

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