24. baseball and lovebirds

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Stella's P.O.V

Jennie gives me a skeptical look as her eyes follow me.



"What what?"

"You know what," I say as Jennie looks closely at me.

"Where were you?" She asks, narrowing her eyes at me as I nervously gulp, giving her a small smile.

"The bathroom...."

"Wow, really? That long? Are you constipated or something?"

"By Laura's definition, I don't even want to know," Gus says as Jennie rolls her eyes at him.

"There's your answer right there," I say. Jennie knits her eyebrows, "You are constipated?"

I shake my head with a chuckle, "No Jen, I just went to the bathroom."

"Then how come you and Stuart came back together?" Gus asks.

I smack my hand on my forehead,letting out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously guys! I just went to the bathroom to do my business. He probably went to the bathroom too, and then I met him outside when I was coming back here. Jeez."

Milo laughs as he pokes Gus with a stick. "Guys, give her a break."

Gus smacks Milo's arm as him and I do a fist bump," Thank you."

He winks at me with his signature cheeky smile, "No problem."

"So....How are the two love birds doing?" I decide to change the subject, mostly because I didn't want anyone else finding out about Miles and about the plan me and Stuart thought of. I just hope he keeps his big mouth shut and that'll be the least of my worries. My worry was Miles and I needed to prank him like my life depended on it, at which, it did.

"Can you stop it with the lovebirds thing?" Jennie asks, a bit annoyed by my comment.

"I'm pretty used to it," Milo says, shrugging his shoulders.

"It's because you and Jessica like each other! I.... you know what.... Just forget it," she says as she stands up abruptly and runs towards the lake. Gus and Milo both look at me with surprised but confused faces. 

"What just happened?" They both say in unison.

"I don't know...." I mutter as I follow the direction in which she ran off to. What could possibly be wrong with Jennie? And why was she acting so flustered and confused?

"Did you hear what she said, though? Me and Jessica together??" Milo asks, scratching his head as he looks away.

"So what? You obsess over her enough." Gus replies.

Milo is about to say something back to him, with his ears that have gone red suddenly but then I stand up, making them both look at me.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to talk to her," I say as Gus purses his lips, waiting for something to happen.

"Is she mad?"

"I don't know Gus."

"I swear I didn't do anything."

"No one's blaming you."



"Chill out man. I think it's girl talk." Milo says while rubbing his ears. I think he's trying to get them back to their original colour.

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