Chapter One

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"Good morning, beautiful."

Those three words always brought a smile to my face. I had heard them every morning for the past two years, and every morning, without fail, I would not give a reply. I would simply seal them with a kiss.

I sat up in my bed and wrapped my arms around my husband's neck, bringing my lips to his, only for a second. Morning breath was too real to allow it to go on for any longer.

And then just like every other morning, my spouse would smile at me lovingly, and leave for work. I would hear his light footsteps descending the stairs, then his keys would rattle as he took them from the hook by the door, and then the front door would shut.

Every morning, I would wait to hear the gravel on the drive crunching under the tires of his car as he pulled away before I would get up, and get ready for work. Everything was so familiar.I loved Adam, more than anything else in this world, but honestly, I was bored. In the beginning, I took great comfort in our relationship. Adam was a lawyer. A high paid, well-respected lawyer. We had a beautiful house in a nice area, we had more money than we could use, and we were so deeply in love with each other, that our life together seemed perfect.

After a while, the fire seemed to burn out. We were stuck in a rut. We would do the exact same things every day. So when Adam asked me to marry him, I said yes in the hope of something changing. I considered it a new chapter in our story. Unfortunately, the new chapter didn't live up to my expectations.

Don't get me wrong, things changed, just not in the way I would have liked. We were in the same routine, the same beautiful house, but the passion had completely disintegrated. I couldn't even tell you the last time we did something spontaneous, or the last time we went on a date, or even the last time we had sex.

Before we were married, our sex life was nothing exciting, but at least it existed. Most nights I would make subtle hints to Adam, hoping that I would get laid for the first time in god knows how many months, but every night, he was too tired, or he would find another reason not to sleep with me. At first, I thought he was seeing somebody else, but I knew in my gut that he would never do that to me. He still looks at me like he did the first day we met as if I was still the miracle he always made me out to be. I also considered that he had some... how shall I put it... equipment issues. Maybe there were some issues downstairs that he didn't want me to know about. But I had witnessed the equipment functioning fully while he was sleeping on several occasions. Clearly, he was getting enough action in his dreams.

After that, I gave up. I began to think it was me, maybe I wasn't attractive to him anymore. Or maybe I was trying to hard to make it happen and just seemed desperate? Either way, I never got my hopes up anymore, I decided I could sort myself out just as well as he could, if not better.Anyway... Adam had gone to work, leaving me alone. The clock read 07:15. That meant it was time to get up.

I pulled myself out of bed and made my way to the ensuite. Seeing my blonde hair a mess, and the dark bags under my eyes in the mirror depressed me. I was gonna have to start getting more beauty sleep. A lot more.

I turned on the shower and pulled my grey satin pyjama cami and shorts off, staring at myself in the full-length mirror. I knew I was attractive. I had worked hard to get my body how it was, and I was proud of myself. I went to the gym three days a week, and I had been on a diet for longer than I can remember. It made me angry with how I would sometimes hate myself.

Why won't my husband fuck me? I look great!

I pushed Adam out of my mind as I realised I needed to get ready, and hopped into the shower.After I was done showering, I dried and straightened my hair, and chose my outfit for the day. I settled on light blue denim shorts and a short-sleeved black blouse that buttoned up at the front. I paired my outfit with some flat black sandals.

I didn't really wear much makeup very often, so I applied a small amount of foundation, and a thin line of black eyeliner. Taking a final look in the mirror, I decided my appearance was acceptable for work today, considering I was gonna be at the beach for most of the day.I walked downstairs, and to the kitchen, to make breakfast. After throwing strawberries, bananas, and almond milk into the blender, I poured two smoothies, and text my best friend to let her know I was on my way to pick her up.

I took my keys from the hook next to the door, and grabbed my bag, trying to balance everything and lock the house up before getting to my car.

I smiled as I unlocked my charcoal grey BMW 3 series gran Turismo, and carefully placed my bag on the back seat before getting into the driver's seat and putting the smoothies I had made in the cup holders. I was grateful for the cold leather seats on my legs as the sun beamed down on me.

I pulled my car off the drive after putting on my sunglasses and headed to my best friends house.

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