Chapter Sixty Four

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There were no cars on the drive when we got home. Alex and I got out of the car, and into the house quickly.

I took her hand, and led her upstairs. We didn't speak, we just started to undress eachother. I took off her underwear, and stared at her perfect body, before I brought my eyes up to meet hers. She smiled shyly, and finished undressing me.

For some reason, I felt nervous. It really hadn't been that long since the last time, but it felt like the first time.

Alex sat on the bed, and took my hands, pulling me on top of her, so that I was straddling her. When our lips met, it felt like my stomach was doing backflips. I slowly slid my tongue against hers, and let my hands run through her hair.

Alex moved her hands up to my hair, and pulled it gently, tilting my head back so she could kiss my neck. I moaned quietly as her teeth tugged at my skin. I pushed her gently so she was lying down, and she forcefully rolled us over so that she was on top.

I was staring into her beautiful eyes, watching the yellow flecks swim around peacefully, and my heart was racing. She placed her legs either side of one of mine, and pressed her core into mine.

I pushed against her, and we both groaned as our clits slid against one another. We were both so wet. Our lips were no more than an inch apart, and I closed my eyes as Alex closed the gap. She took my bottom lip in her teeth, making me moan louder as she grinded against me.

I returned the favour, and bit her lip. She smiled against my mouth, and started to kiss my neck again. She moved slowly down to my chest, and sucked one of my nipples while her fingers played with the other.

Alex looked at me as she licked my nipple, and seemed to know what I was thinking. I wanted her, now. She turned around, and placed her knees either side of my head, leaving her pussy right above my face.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs, and put my hands on her ass cheeks, pulling her to me. My tongue swirled around her clit slowly, and her body jerked slightly. She started to kiss my pussy gently. I raised my hips slightly, my body begging for more.

Alex understood my body's desperate plea for satisfaction, and started to suck my clit. I applied more pressure with my tongue, and moved it faster, trying to keep it in sync with my rapid heart rate.

Her body squirmed, and I could tell she was close to the edge, as I was. I sucked hard on her clit, and she unravelled. She pulled me into her climax, and kept sucking, softly, as we both rode out our orgasms.

I licked my lips, as Alex climbed from on top of me, savouring her sweet taste. She lay next to me on her side, and I turned on my side to face her. My legs were still shaking, and an enormous grin had taken over my face.

"I really missed that," I whispered, and she chewed gently on her bottom lip.

"Me too."

We lay in silence for a while, just looking at eachother, and touching eachother. I turned Alex over to lie on her stomach, and sat on top of her, with my legs either side of her. I gently moved her hair to one side, and started to massage her back.

She let out cute little moans as my fingers kneaded her skin. I pressed harder in more sensitive areas to hear more of her musical moans. I started to kiss her back, and gently nibbling occasionally, while my hands still roamed around.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," I whispered, after kissing and biting my way up her neck and back down.

"Naked?" she joked.

"Yes," I replied, "and just us."

"So, why don't we?"

"Because we seem to live with about a million people at the minute," I laughed.

"So let's go somewhere," she suggested. She pushed herself up slightly on her arms, and I climbed off her.

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting opposite her.

"Let's go to another country, or several different countries. Let's just go and be together, with no interruptions."

"Alex, we can't just leave."

"Why not?" she asked.

"What about work? What about Rach, and Ellie. And the baby. And your dad. We can't just-"

"I'm not saying forever, Jay," she said, taking my hands. "Why don't we just go, for a few weeks, or months. Rach has got Brad. Ellie has Mark, and the baby's not gonna make an appearance for several months. Rach and Ellie have been dealing with work on their own for over a month now, with everything that's been going on. They could always hire some extra help if they need it. And my dad has finally decided he wants to be a real father, but he can wait. It all can."

"You're serious?" I asked, thinking about what she had said.

"Yeah. We've had a fucked up few weeks. We've both been under a lot of stress, and we haven't had any real time for us. Let's just go somewhere, and relax. I want you all to myself, just for a while."

I realised she was right, and a long vacation would be perfect for us both, after everything that had happened. And I saw how much she wanted to do this, and I wanted to make her happy, like she made me happy.

"Okay," I finally answered, and Alex's face lit up.


"Really, let's do it."

She smiled excitedly, and crashed her lips to mine for a second, before hugging me tightly.

"I love you so much," she beamed.

"I love you too."

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