Chapter Thirty Six

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I was surprised to see that Alex wasn't lying next to me when I woke up. After rubbing my eyes, I saw that the clock read 08:17. It was far too early for me to be awake, so I lay my head back down to get some more sleep.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the door to my ensuite open. My eyes shot open, and immediately found Alex's. She was wearing only a towel, and her hair was wet.

"Hey," she said, smiling.

I didn't answer her, I just pulled myself out of bed and walked up to her, pushing her back against the wall by her hips. She stared into my eyes, biting her lip slightly, and my insides burned.

I leaned in close to her and kissed her softly, then took her bottom lip in my teeth. Her breathing became heavy as mine did, and I moved my lips to her neck.

"Jamie, wh-" she started to say something, but I cut her off with my lips on hers again.

I stepped away from her slightly, and moved my hands up her sides to the top of the towel she had wrapped around her. I stared at the yellow flecks in her eyes as I let the towel drop to the floor, before letting my eyes wander down.

She pulled my chin up to look at her again, and started to undress me. After I stepped out of my pyjama bottoms, she kissed me again, slowly pushing me backwards towards my bed. My heart was racing, and every inch me was screaming in anticipation.

I lay down, pulling Alex with me. Her naked body was straddling my legs, and I could feel the heat radiating from her. Her breasts pressed against mine as she kissed me, and I could feel that her nipples were hard, like I knew mine were too.

My hands ran delicately down her sides, and round to the small of her back, before I moved them to her ass and gently squeezed. I saw a mischievous smile spread on her lips as our eyes met for a second, before she turned her attention to my neck. Instead of her usual soft kisses, she nibbled at my skin, making me moan loudly. Her nibbles turned into full blown bites when she learned the effect it was having on me.

Alex moved down the bed slightly, and ran her tongue over my nipples. Every lick caused my entire body to spasm. She was so good with her tongue. She left a trail of kisses down my stomach, then slid her tongue down my hip, and past my core, teasing me. She pushed my legs apart, giving her easy access, and placed one kiss on my clit.

"Alex..." I whimpered, praying that she wouldn't stop.

She seemed to be enjoying teasing me, and started to kiss my inner thighs. My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest at any minute, as Alex was getting closer and closer to my pussy.

And that's when it happened.

The fucking doorbell rang.

"Right on cue," Alex joked, and I cursed.

"It's not important," I said, and Alex resumed kissing my thighs.

Then the door bell rang again, several times.

"What the fuck is wrong with people?!" I complained.

I heard the letterbox open, and was surprised to hear Ellie's voice.

"Jamie? Alex? I forgot my key!"

I ran my hand through my hair, and cursed. Alex just smiled at me.

"To be continued?" she asked.

"I'm gonna kill her," I said, and stood up. I pulled on my bathrobe, and went downstairs to let Ellie in.

"Hey, I'm sorry," she said when I opened the door.

"I hate you," I said, and walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

"I'm assuming I didn't wake you up then," she laughed, as she sat at the table.

"I thought you stayed here last night," I said, confused.

"No, I ended up going to Mark's. I just came home to get changed and pack a bag, we're going away for the night," she said excitedly.

I smiled, relieved that Alex and I would get to be alone for a night without Ellie ruining the moment for us.

"Hey Ellie," Alex said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Alex. I'm sorry for ruining whatever you two were doing. But don't worry, I'll be out of your way for the next 48 hours."

Alex's expression turned to shock as Ellie spoke.

"You told her?" She asked me, a smile forming on her lips.

"Oh shit, yeah I forgot! I came to tell you last night but you were already asleep," I said.

"Yeah, you don't need to hide it now, but try to keep your intimate moments private if you don't mind," Ellie said hopefully, but Alex's eyes were already locked with mine, and she was walking towards me.

Alex ignored everything Ellie said, and kissed me deeply, pushing me against the kitchen counter.

"Seriously, this is a four bedroom house, and you wanna do it in the kitchen right in front of me?" Ellie joked.

"So your room isn't off limits?" I teased.

"Oh god," she said, and put her head in her hands, "I'm gonna go get my stuff ready. Stay out of my room!"

Alex and I laughed as Ellie went upstairs.

"I can't believe you actually told her," Alex said, holding my hands and grinning.

"Alex, she saw us making out," I said bluntly.

"I thought you might have tried to pass it off as a drunken thing," she said.

"I was gonna tell her today anyway, her seeing us just gave me the opportunity to tell her sooner," I smiled.

Alex gave me a quick kiss, before looking in the fridge for something for breakfast.

"So now that she knows I'm your girlfriend, will she stop interrupting us?" She asked, and my heart stopped.

"Girlfriend?" I questioned, with a raised eyebrow. Alex's eyes widened.

"I mean- I- I shouldn't have assumed... We haven't talked about it yet and-"

"Alex, I would love to call you my girlfriend," I grinned, and she kissed me again.

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