Chapter Twenty Five

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At eight o'clock, the doors opened and the club was flooded with people. I took over a hundred photos within five minutes. I grabbed Ellie's camera from her and took them to Rico's office to lock them up so we could party.

"Hey, they can go in here," Alex said, making me jump. She was unlocking the top drawer of Rico's desk. She locked all three cameras in the drawer.

I watched her as she took the key from the lock and pushed it swiftly into her bra. And once again I was staring into her eyes.

"What?" she asked, biting her lip.

"I didn't know you wore glasses," I said.

"I normally wear contacts," she said.

"You should wear these more, they look good."

"You should wear that dress more," Alex's eyes made their way down my body and back up. It felt like her stare was burning a hole into me, my body tingling as her eyes studied me.

"Jamie!" Ellie burst into Rico's office and hugged me.

"Oh dear," I said, and Alex laughed.

"I'm not even drunk," Ellie insisted, and I put my arm around her waist to hold her up. "Come on, let's go dance."

Alex and I agreed and helped Ellie to the dancefloor. Ellie had started to dance with Alex. There were too many people, and I started to feel claustrophobic, so I went to find a seat at the bar.

I perched myself on a barstool and watched Ellie and Alex dancing. Mostly Alex though. She was dancing with a tall brunette girl. The way she moved was so sexy.

"Hi, can I get you a drink?" A tall, handsome stranger interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm good, thank you," I said, holding up my half-full glass.

"I'm Eric," he said, taking a seat next to me.

"Jamie," I replied, smiling.

"Okay so you don't need a drink, what about a dance?" He asked, and took my hand. I tried to pull it from him but he held his grip.

"I'm sorry, I'm married," I said, holding up my finger with my wedding ring on it. He frowned and walked away, leaving me alone at the bar.

I looked back over at Alex to see she was watching me. I smiled at her, and the image of us kissing forced entry back into my brain. I should never have told her I wanted to wait for a while. Something felt right with her. And Ellie was right, it would be something new and different, and it might not be what I want, but there's no harm in trying.

It seemed like Alex was having the same argument in her head, and she started to walk towards me. She had to push her way from the dancefloor and kept walking to where I was sitting.

She was only a few metres away from me when Tammy appeared. She cut in front of Alex and put her hands around the back of Alex's neck. I think that my heart actually stopped when I saw Alex's lips connect with Tammy's.
I watched as their lips moved slowly together, and their tongues slid in and out of their mouths. I felt so stupid, Alex must have been looking at Tammy, not me. I thought that it would have been me kissing Alex, and instead, I'm sitting metres away from them, watching them make out.

I pulled my wedding ring off my finger and went back to Ellie on the dancefloor.

"Who's Alex's friend?" Ellie shouted into my ear because the music was so loud.

"I don't know, but you were right, I need to find a man," I shouted back at her. She grinned mischievously and pulled me over to the bar.

"Jamie, this is my friend Mark. Mark, this is the girl I was telling you about," Ellie introduced me to a muscly guy standing at the bar. He had a well-groomed beard, and his hair held more product that most people I knew. He was attractive, but I wasn't sure he was my type.

"Hi, how are you?" He asked. I watched Ellie walk back to the dancefloor, and caught a glimpse of Alex and Tammy dancing and grinding against each other.

"I'm good thanks," I said, moving closer to Mark.

We spoke for a couple of hours and had a few drinks together. We sat in one of Rico's VIP booths as I struggled to balance on a bar stool at this point.

By about 11 o'clock, Mark worked up the courage to kiss me. I closed my eyes as our lips met, but I was disappointed. There was no spark. When I kissed Alex, it felt like fireworks in my stomach. But, in all fairness, it felt like fireworks in my stomach if she even touched me, or looked at me.

So I sat there, in a VIP booth, kissing an over groomed, bearded man, wishing that I wasn't. Wishing that I could trade places with Tammy.

"Mark, I'm sorry but I think I've had too much to drink. I'm gonna go home." I said, and he looked sad.

"Can I get your phone number?" He asked.

"No, I'm sorry Mark, I don't think we would be a good fit. Just... Look after Ellie for me, okay?" I said, and he nodded.

I made my way to the dancefloor to tell Ellie I was going home, and she agreed to sit with Mark for a while. She had way too much to drink, and dancing was a challenge for her now.

"Are you going home?" I felt goosebumps rise all over my body, and Alex's lips came in contact with my ear. She had grabbed my hand as I walked past her.

"Yeah," I said, turning to face her. Tammy stood by her side, giving me a disapproving look.

"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked and my mind answered yes, but I didn't want her to come with me just because I was too drunk.

"That's okay, you enjoy your night," I said, and kissed her on the cheek. I watched the yellow flecks in her eyes dance along with the music and started to walk away from her. I gave her a small smile as I pulled my fingers away from hers.

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