Chapter Twenty Four

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"Hey," Alex said shyly as she walked into my room. Ellie had gone out to get us coffee, making sure to tell me to talk to Alex before she left.

"Hi," I smiled.

She stood in my doorway for a few seconds looking at me, and I just stared back into her mesmerising eyes.

"So... You kissed me," she said, breaking the silence.

"I did," I said, feeling my heart rate increase slightly, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I liked it," she moved to sit next to me on my bed, making me both nervous and excited.

I needed to keep my thoughts straight. I knew I needed to tell her it couldn't happen again. Not yet, anyway.

My kind of straight thoughts turned all kinds of gay when she put her hand on my thigh and leaned in to kiss me. Her soft lips barely brushed mine when I backed away from her slightly.

"Alex... I'm sorry, I just-"

"You just... Don't want to kiss me again?" she said quietly. She smiled but I could see that it was masking disappointment.

"No, that's not it," I assured her, and put my hand on top of hers, which was still on my thigh. "I just think that this is a really bad time to do this. You just got out of a relationship, I just got out of a marriage."

"Yeah, I get that. But I like you Jamie."

"I like you too Alex, but I think we need to let it be for a while first. I don't wanna be your rebound, just like you don't wanna be mine. I think we need to be friends for a while before anything happens with us." I said. She smiled at me sweetly.

"Okay," she said, and squeezed my thigh softly before standing up and walking to the door. She stopped at the doorway and turned back to me. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind being your rebound."

She bit her lip, before disappearing from my room, letting the door shut behind her. I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, wishing the last five minutes hadn't happened. I could have just let her kiss me. I should have.


"She's too young for you anyway," Ellie said, and I frowned at her.

"She's four years younger than me! Remember in college when you were seeing that thirty four year old?" I laughed.

"Yeah but that was a guy, that's different."

"Why are you so offended by Alex's gender?" I laughed.

"I'm not, but you're not gay Jamie, you're just recovering from a breakup. I know that Alex is something new and it would be different, but that doesn't mean it would be good different."

I let Ellie's wise words go in one ear and out of the other as Alex appeared in the living room. She was wearing a tight black dress, and heels. Her dress showed off her long, tanned legs. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she was wearing glasses. I had never seen her in glasses before, and wondered if they were just a fashion accessory until I saw the slight distortion through the lenses.

"Wow," Ellie said, and I laughed.

"Are you guys gonna get ready soon? We should be meeting Rico in an hour." Alex said, and I finally pulled my eyes away from her body to look at her face. I blushed when my eyes met hers, because she had seen me staring at her.

I think I could be a rebound too.

"Yeah we're going, come on Jay," Ellie said, pulling me to my feet. I sneaked a look at Alex's ass as I was pulled past her.

Wow was right.

Twenty minutes later, Ellie and I were ready. Alex was waiting by the front door as we came down the stairs, and I watched as her eyes followed me. I was wearing a short blue dress, and some low blue heels that I could just about walk in. My dress showed just a little bit of cleavage, but enough for Alex to stare at.

Ellie was wearing a classy red dress, and she had straightened her curls. She looked like a different person.

"You both look great," Alex said as we reached the bottom of the stairs. We both thanked her, and went out to the taxi that Alex had already booked.

It was almost 6, and far too early to be going out. But Alex had offered to help Rico set up too, the club was opening at 8.

It only took a few minutes for us to get to the club, and we were so excited when we got there. Although the only people in there were working, it was such a lively atmosphere.

The bar staff were practicing mixing drinks, and I got a few cool photos of them throwing and catching glasses and cocktail shakers. I was offered a drink, but refused it. I thought I should probably work first, and party later. Alex and Ellie didn't have my motivation, and we're already doing shots.

"At least one of you is working!" Rico appeared next to me, laughing.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that Rico." I replied, worried that he would get pissed off after a while.

"Don't be sorry. You're here for a good time. If you can get me a few good pictures of the club now, then maybe ten decent ones when we let people in, I'll be happy. I just need it for advertising. And then you can get as drunk as you like." He said and I smiled.

"We got you, man," Alex said, and punched him playfully on his arm.

"Alex, I know you're a lesbian. But punching me in the arm doesn't go well with that tight little dress you're wearing." Rico laughed. Ellie started to laugh too, she was trying way too hard to get his attention. He walked over to her, leaving me alone with Alex.

"Come on, let's just get you one drink," Alex said, gesturing to the bar. I agreed and went to the bar with her.

"Hey Alex, what can I get you?" A young barmaid asked. She had bright red hair, and her arms were covered in tattoos.

"We'll have two sex on the beaches please, Tammy," she said, and I smiled at the name of the cocktail. I had never actually tried it before.

Tammy mixed the drinks really fast, and bought them to us at the bar.

"Is this your new girl?" Tammy asked, but didn't turn away from Alex's eyes.

"Umm, no this is my friend, and boss, Jamie. Jamie, this is Tammy," she introduced us.

"Nice to meet you," I said and Tammy smiled briefly.

"Yeah, you too. I finish at ten tonight, so I'll find you?" she said, turning back to Alex.

Alex just nodded, and linked her arm with mine to pull me away  to take some photos.

I didn't like Tammy.

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