Chapter Twelve

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Alex and I shadowed Ellie for a while, giving Alex a chance to see the kind of shots that we would take with the models. Obviously, it was quite new to us as we normally took candid photos, but it was easy enough for Ellie to take great photos as she had been doing this for years.

After an hour or so, we began to take our own photos as well. I tried to get Alex to use all the settings on her fancy camera. Partly because she needed to know what they all did, and partly because I really wanted to know what some of them did. We also toyed with different angles, and Alex seemed to be enjoying herself.

The model we were photographing was certainly enjoying herself too. I thought that maybe she was new to the business, as she was a lot more enthusiastic than the rest of the girls. Alex asked her to try several different poses and she obliged, it was great to see her getting along so well with the model.

"Okay, Alex, I wanna take a look at what we've got so far." I said, and turned to the model, " Thanks Mona, you've been wonderful, take a break now and I'm sure Ellie will be needing you shortly."

"Okay, thanks girls," she said, and smiled brightly at Alex, as if I wasn't even there. I ignored it and went into my office with Alex.

I pulled Ellie's chair next to mine and turned on my computer. Alex sat next to me and plugged her camera in.

"That was alot more fun than I thought it would be," she said, and I smiled.

"Yeah, it really helps when the person you're taking pictures of isn't miserable," I laughed. "I know this wasn't exactly your plan in life, but you might find that photography is a good fit for you. Honestly, the only reason I studied it, was because my best friend did, and I was a socially awkward teenager."

"Really?" Alex asked, frowning.

"Yeah, I never really had many friends, but Ellie had always been there for me, and I thought it would be fun if we stayed in the same classes for a while longer. Now, we're business partners and flat mates."

"I never would have pegged you as socially awkward though," she replied, "I kinda imagined you as a party girl."

"Well, I suppose I was, but only by association," I admitted. The computer loaded up and I typed in my password and opened up my photoshop programme.

"Oh god, I've gotta learn photoshop too?" Alex looked horrified, "I'm not great with technology."

"Just the basics for now, baby steps."

We looked through all the photos she had taken of Mona, and some of them were really good. Some were a little blurry, and some of the effects of Alex's camera were just plain ridiculous.

We tried several effects on most of the photos and used basic photoshop to even out complexion, or brighten eye colour, and so on, just to let Alex get used to the programme a little.

After a couple of hours of editing photos, we had a dozen great images, that I suggested we print, to show Mona, and to put into a portfolio of Alex's work. It would help her to see her progress as the apprenticeship goes on, and maybe would keep her dad off her back too, if she could show him the amount of effort she is putting in to it.

"How's she doing?" Ellie asked, as Alex showed Mona the photos. Everyone was taking a lunch break, so the studio was full of people talking, I don't think any of the models actually ate anything.

"Really good actually, she's printed a few for a portfolio, she's showing them to Mona now. You should have a look at them later."

"I will. So it's not as bad as you thought?" she laughed.

"No, she seems nice, and she's really trying. I'm a little confused of what Damien was talking about anyway, she doesn't seemed troubled at all." I replied.

"There's still time I suppose. But yeah, maybe she's got an evil twin or something." She joked.

I went back over to Alex to tell her the plan for the afternoon. We were just gonna try the same few shots on a couple of other models to compare.

The afternoon flew by, and all the models were leaving. Alex and I had started to help Ellie clean up.

"So, where are we going to celebrate?"

Alex and I looked at eachother, confused, then back at Ellie.

"Celebrate what?" I asked.

"Our first successful day on the Ryles contract, and Alex's ability to make it through a whole day with your mentoring." she replied, and Alex laughed.

"It's just any excuse to drink for you, isn't it?" I joked.


"I know a little bar not too far from here," Alex said, "and I know the owner, he'd sort us out with some free drinks."

"Sold!" Ellie said, and started to get her jacket on.

"Yeah, we should probably clean up before we go home," I suggested.

"Jamie, I love you dearly, and I respect most of your life choices, but free alcohol awaits. Now let's go." And without another word, I was dragged from the studio.

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