Chapter Eighteen

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That afternoon, we had finished with the models at around three, so we decided to go furniture shopping. Alex tagged along with us.

We spent a lot of money in a short time, and pretty much furnished the entire house. I paid extra for most things so I could get next day delivery. I was too eager to get the house ready to move in.

Alex left us after we finished shopping, as she was going to meet Mona. Ellie and I went to buy some paint so we could start decorating.

"Why can't we just hire a decorator?" Ellie asked as we were carrying the tins of paint into the house.

"We can, but I don't want to. I like painting," I smiled and she frowned.

"So why do I need to help?"

"Because I'm letting you live here rent free, and because you love me," I laughed.

We started to paint the living room first, we went for a chocolate brown colour, as the sofas we chose were a dark brown.

After the living room, we painted my bedroom grey and dark purple, and Ellie's room orange. I wasn't too sure on her colour scheme, but didn't argue with her. She had always been colourful.

We went back to the apartment around nine, and both went straight to bed, exhausted from all the painting.


The next day we were at the studio over an hour early, and we were shopping online for more things for the house. It was going to take a while for it to be perfect, but hopefully we would be moving in that night, as the furniture would be delivered after work.

"Hey, I saw the lights on, hope you don't mind me getting here early," Alex said, coming into the office.

I looked up from the computer to see her, and saw that she had her nose pierced. A small silver ring was in her left nostril.

"No its fine," I said, "Did that hurt?"

"No," she smiled at the fact I noticed it, "it just feels weird right now."

"It looks good on you." I said, and her cheeks reddened again. She really didn't know how to take a compliment.

"Sit down," ordered Ellie, "you can help me choose some stuff for my room."

Alex sat with Ellie, and helped her shop, while I carried on shopping on my computer. I had chose most of the things for the kitchen, dining room, living room, and my bedroom, in the time it took Ellie to choose just for her bedroom.

"The girls are here," I said, hearing the studio door open, "you'll have to finish shopping later."

We went into the studio to see all the usual models. Except for one.

"Where's Mona?" I asked the manager.

"She quit this morning." He said plainly.

"What? Why?" Alex asked, concerned. Clearly her girlfriend hadn't told her about her plans.

"I don't know, she met with Damien this morning, and handed in her resignation with immediate effect."

"She didn't tell you?" I asked Alex, who looked really confused.

"No, and she's not answering her phone." she said, starting to panic now.

"Go find her, just let me know everything's okay," I said, handing her my car keys. She nodded and rushed out of the building.

Ellie and I were both photographing the models now, as I couldn't train Alex. But I couldn't get Alex and Mona out of my head. Why would Mona not tell Alex she was quitting? They were together last night, surely that would come up. Maybe they argued last night,  and she didn't want to be around her.

A couple of hours after Alex left, I tried to call her but got no answer. I thought that maybe she was with Mona and they were talking, I didn't want to interrupt, so I would wait for Alex to call me back.

Another hour or so passed before I got a phone call, but it wasn't who I was expecting.

"Damien?" I answered the phone.

"Jamie, hi. Can I speak to my daughter please," he asked, and I wasn't sure how to respond, without dropping her in it.

"I'm sorry, but she's not here right now, Damien, can I take a message for when she gets back?" I asked.

"She didn't come back this morning?" He asked and I was confused.

"Umm... What do you-" I started.

"She came here this morning, and we had an argument, I just assumed she would have come back to work." He said.

"She came to see you?"

"Yes, and she stormed off, like she always does. I just need to know she's okay. Let me know if you see her please." He said and hung up.

My heart was beating fast, I was worried about Alex. I knew where she would be, I just couldn't understand why she was arguing with her dad. Did he know about Mona?

"Ellie, I need your car keys," I said, and she threw them to me. "I'll be back soon."

I got into Ellie's car, dreading the thought of driving it. It was a one litre Ford Focus, and I was used to my BMW. I decided I was going to buy her a new car after this.

I put my foot down, and prayed that the car would actually make it. I headed up to the mountain, as it was the only place I could think Alex would be.

I focused on the road right in front of me, refusing to look to my left where I would see the beautiful city from a height. If I looked at it, I would need to go back down, or just stop the car and have a panic attack. I just needed to find Alex before that happened.

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