Chapter Forty Six

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Over the next week, I realised a few things. Firstly, hospital food is disgusting. Secondly, Ellie and Rachel were two of my favourite people in the world, for sneaking real food into my room. And finally, I realised that morphine is amazing. Unfortunately, I only realised this because the doctors took it away from me, and it felt like I was bathing in needles since they did.

The nurses came to me several times a day with pills to take the edge off, but it didn't help as much as the morphine did. Everyday, the pain seemed to decrease slightly though, so I was optimistic about the whole situation.

"You can go home today, sweetie," said one of the nurses who came to drug me.

"Oh my god, that's great! What time can I go?" I asked, pleased with the news. Alex smiled up at me from the chair she had lived in since I woke up.

"Probably around 5. The police will be here soon, so once they're done we can start discharging you."

"Police?" I questions.

"Yes, the doctors been holding them off since you woke up, but they need to speak to you about the accident," she said, then left the room.

"Jamie, I need to tell you something," Alex said, and I turned to face her. "I got another text, the other day. Whoever sent the pictures and the letter took the blame for the accident."

Alex handed me her phone. The text read 'I warned her to stay away from you. End it... Or I will.'.

"Alex, we don't know that it was the same person. Maybe they just want to scare us," I said, but knowing it probably was the same person, and a psychopath wanted to kill me and steal my girlfriend.

"We need to show this to the police when they get here, and tell them about the letter, and the other texts," Alex said, "I won't let anybody hurt you again, Jay."

"And we're sure it's not Mona?" I asked cautiously.

"It's definitely not Mona, she's been in New Zealand with her new girlfriend since the day after I met her for coffee. She doesn't come back until the end of next month."

"Any other crazy exes?" I joked.

"Several," Alex laughed, "but nobody that would do this."

"To be fair, I think I'd kill someone to keep you," I winked, and Alex rolled her eyes.

We talked a little while longer about the possible people who may want to kill me, but came up with nothing. We were interrupted by the police shortly after.

They asked Alex to leave the room first, but I insisted that she would stay. Alex showed the two officers the texts, and explained the letter that I had received. One officer was writing everything down, while the other asked questions.

"And neither of you recognised the vehicle that hit you?" The more vocal police man asked.

"No," Alex and I replied at the same time.

"We managed to get some cctv footage, and we pulled the car registration number. When we ran the plates, we found that it was reported stolen a few hours earlier from roughly 30 miles away. We would normally think that it was an accident, and the driver fled the scene because the car was stolen. However, there were no skid marks, so it was intended."

"And you didn't manage to get the driver on cctv?" Alex asked.

"We got a clear image of the driver, but they were masked, and wearing baggy clothing. Truthfully, we can't even be sure whether they were male or female," he responded.

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"If it's the same person who sent the letter, they know where you live, and clearly they're more aggressive now. We can move you to a safe house while we complete our investigation."

"And how long will that take?" I asked, not liking the idea of staying away from home for any longer.

"It's difficult to say," said the other officer.

"I don't want to go to a safe house."

"Jamie, you can't-" Alex started.

"We'll stay in a hotel for a couple of nights while we set up some kind of security system at the house." I suggested.

"But you'll be much safer in the safe house." Alex argued.

"We have no idea how long this will go on for Alex, I want to go home. I promise, we won't go back until there's enough security. We'll have cameras, gates, bodyguards if you want." I said, half-joking.

"We can put you in touch with a security company that we work with if that'll help," one of the police men offered.

"Thank you," Alex said, defeated.

The officers gave us the contact details for the security company, and left after arranging to check in with me in a few days time.

Shortly after, the doctor and nurse came to discharge me, and Alex and I gathered our things.

"So where are we staying tonight?" Alex asked as we were leaving the hospital.

"We'll book a room at the hotel near the shopping village," I answered. "I just need to let Ellie know."

"Ellie's at Mark's, and Rach is staying at her friend's. I already text her to let her know. Let's just get you to the hotel," Alex ordered. I know she was just looking out for me, but I felt like I was gonna be wrapped in cotton wool from now on.

We got to the hotel, and I booked us a room for a week, just to make sure the house would be ready in time. I showered quickly, and joined Alex in the king size bed.

I pulled her close to me, and kissed her softly. I let my tongue roam around the inside of her mouth, and my hands roam around her body.

"Jamie..." she moaned, making me more wet than I already was. "We should go to sleep."

"I don't want to go to sleep," I replied, and began to bite her neck.

"Baby, please. I don't want to hurt you," she whispered.

"You won't," I argued, moving my mouth down to her boobs, and sucking one of her nipples.

"Jamie, no. The doctor said you need to rest."

I moved away from her, and sighed.

"Don't be angry, Jay," she pleaded.

"I'm not angry Alex, I'm just... I've just missed being with you."

"I know, so have I. But it could make things worse and you could end up back in hospital, and then you'd be waiting longer," she said, and I pouted.

"Fine. Goodnight," I said, and kissed her quickly.

"I love you," Alex said, and my heart stopped momentarily.

"I love you too," I said, and fell asleep almost instantly with a smile on my face.

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