Chapter Twenty Six

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I woke up the next morning, still wearing my blue dress and my heels. I was on the sofa. Although it was probably only 11:30 when I got home, I was pretty drunk so I didn't even attempt the stairs. I wondered if Alex had come home, but I didn't check for fear that I'd find her in bed with Tammy.

I checked my phone to see it was only 08:35. I also had a text message from Alex. It read 'I wish you would have stayed out. Good night beautiful'. My heart did a somersault as I read it. Why would she wish I stayed out if she was with Tammy?

I went upstairs to check if Ellie was home. Her bed was empty, she must have gone home with somebody. I sent her a text just to check she was okay, but didn't expect a reply for a few hours.

I showered quickly, and got into some pyjamas, then made my way back downstairs to watch TV for a while. As I got downstairs, I heard a noise in the kitchen. Alex was sitting on the worktop with a glass of water beside her.

"Hey," she said, grinning when she saw me, she was still drunk.

"You just got home?" I laughed.

"Yeah, Rico had a few of his friends in the club for a poker game after they closed, so I stayed. They're still there now, but I needed to escape before I died from alcohol poisoning." she said, and I wasn't sure if she was joking.

She gestured for me to come closer to her, and I did, slowly. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight. It felt good to touch her. I was standing between her legs, imagining how good it would feel to kiss her and wrap her legs around my waist.

"Are you okay?" she whispered into my ear.

"Yeah, I'm good. Do you wanna come watch a movie with me?" I asked, pulling away from her slightly.

"Yes, but don't hate me if I fall asleep." she said, and I laughed. I helped her down from the kitchen counter, and walked to the living room with one arm around her waist, and her glass of water in my other hand.

I sat next to her on the sofa, but after a few minutes of a movie being on, she lay down and put her legs over mine. A few more minutes passed, and she was asleep. I took her glasses off, and pulled a throw from the back of the sofa to cover her up.

She looked so peaceful, and so damn beautiful.


After what must have been a couple of hours, I opened my eyes to see that I was lying next to Alex on the sofa, with one arm squashed underneath my body, and one arm over Alex's body, holding her close to me. My head was resting on her chest.

Alex was still asleep, and I didn't want to wake her, so I just lay there silently, listening to her breathing.

It startled me when Alex yawned, and I lifted my head to find her eyes.

"Hey," she said sweetly, and I smiled at her.

"Hi," I replied.

Alex started to sit up, but I pulled her to me again with the arm I had around her waist.

"Just five more minutes," I mumbled sleepily. She laughed and kissed me softly on the cheek.

"I need a shower Jay. Just give me twenty minutes, okay?" she said, and slowly sat up. I pouted and let her go.

What was gonna happen in twenty minutes? My heart was racing in anticipation. Maybe we would kiss again, and it would lead to something more this time. I wanted it to. Or maybe she would just come and watch a movie with me again.

It was only yesterday that I told her I wanted to just be friends, and today I wanted to snuggle with her on the sofa. I thought I was confused, but she must be so much more confused than me. I knew I would have to make the first move if I wanted something to happen.

But what if I was too late? She was with Tammy last night, but she stayed at Rico's club, so maybe they only kissed. Maybe she only kissed Tammy to make me jealous. It worked.

I waited for Alex to come back from her shower. But before she did, Ellie burst into the house.

"Jamie!" she shouted at the door.

"In here, Ellie." I shouted back, and she came into the living room. She dropped down on the sofa next to me.

"I found the one!" she squealed excitedly.

"What?" I laughed, "What are you talking about?"

"Mark!" she said, and I remembered the guy I kissed last night. "After you left, he came to look after me, and we were talking for ages, and I went back to his."

"I don't think he's the one if he took you home on-"

"No, Jamie. I didn't fuck him. We talked, all night. And kissed a bit too, but I really like him Jay. We're going out for lunch today. I'm so excited."

"Okay. Umm.. Ellie, you do know lunch is in, like, an hour?" I asked, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Yeah, I know."

"And you know you're still wearing last night's clothes, and you're still possibly drunk." I laughed.

"I'm not drunk, Jay. But I do need a shower," she said, and kissed me on the forehead before running.out of the living room.

"Hi Alex!" I heard her shout as she ran up the stairs.

"Is she okay?" Alex asked, as she sat next to me again.

"Yeah, she's in love," I said, laughing.

"Oh, cool." Alex said smiling, "So, I wanted to ask you. That guy you were kissing last night..."

"Umm.. Funny story actually, that's who Ellie is in love with," I laughed and explained to Alex what happened last night.

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