Chapter Five

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I took out my keys as I neared apartment 1B to let myself in. Ellie and I had lived there together through college, and I had kept my key after I moved in with Adam as I still spent alot of time there. I looked at my phone to see it was 07:05, and knew Ellie would still be asleep as we didn't have to work today.

I closed the door behind me and walked to Ellie's bedroom. I knew how much she liked her sleep, but I was willing to risk her being annoyed with me because I needed my best friend right now.

"Ellie," I whispered, as I pushed open her door.

I was surprised to find her awake. I was more surprised to see her sitting on top of a guy. She turned to see me and a look of horror spread across her face as she tried to cover them both up, and fell off of him.

"Shit! I'm sorry," I shouted as I shut the door and walked back out to the living room, holding back my laughter.

I heard them both stumble around, and Ellie apologise to him before they emerged from her room, looking embarrassed.

"This is my best friend Jamie," she said pointing at me, slightly annoyed, "Jamie this is Simon."

"Steve," he corrected her, before he kissed her on the cheek and left the apartment. Ellie was bright red in the face and avoided eye contact with me while she put the kettle on.

"Eleanor Thompson.. You slut!" I laughed, and she threw a cushion from the sofa at me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" her voice was all high pitched, obviously she was still embarrassed I'd just seen her having sex with Simon, or Steve.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had company. I should have called." I remembered why I had come over in the first place, and tears threatened my eyes again.

She saw this and joined me on the sofa, putting her arms around me. The tears came spilling from my eyes as Ellie held me. After a few minutes, she pulled away from me and looked into my eyes.

"What's going on, Jay?" she asked softly.

I started to tell her everything about last night, and this morning, and she listened intently to everything. There were so many reasons Ellie was my best friend, but the way she listened to me and took in everything I said was one of my favourite things about her. She was always there for me, like I was for her, and I knew whatever advice she gave me, I would most likely take.

"Shall we kill him?"

Okay, maybe not this time.

"What?!" I laughed, hoping that it was in fact a joke.

"I've never had an issue with Adam, like ever, but he's never made you cry like this before. Honestly, I wanna kill him." she said, calmly, and I believed that she might actually do it.

"I don't wanna kill him Ellie, I love him. I just.. don't know if he still loves me." The thought made me feel sick.

"Of course he loves you Jamie, how could he not?" she assured me, and I smiled at her.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know Jay, do you think he's gonna change? I mean, you looked fucking sexy in that lingerie, and you're lying in bed watching porn with him, and he falls asleep?" I didn't respond so she continued to talk, "If you stay with him in the hope that he's gonna change and he doesn't, you're only gonna have this same heartbreak a few months or years down the line. Personally, I just think he's not right in the head, and I don't want to see you hurt at all. But if what you and Adam have isn't as perfect as you thought, you could just be wasting time. The right guy could be out there waiting for you".

"Thanks Ellie," I said, thinking carefully about what she had just said.

"No problem, and if you want to stay here for a bit, while you decide what you want to do, you're more than welcome."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, maybe I should go home and get some things." I suggested, "Come with me?"

"Of course, just let me go shower, and get ready. If you want me to hurry up, make me a cup of tea." she grinned as she walked to the bathroom.

I stood from the sofa, and walked to the kitchen area, where I started to make two cups of tea. I looked at my phone to see a text from Adam.

Jamie, please answer your phone, we need to talk this through. I love you.

I exhaled deeply, and put my phone down so I could finish making the tea.
I had no idea what I was going to do. I couldn't stay with Adam just for the sake of staying with him. The more I thought about it, the more I realised I hadn't been happy for a long time. I was just comfortable with him. I loved him but I wasn't in love with him. I wondered if he felt the same.

I couldn't help but think that we didn't have sex anymore because he didn't find me attractive anymore. My self confidence had completely disappeared in the last several months. I used to be so content with my image and Adam had completely destroyed it for me.

"You okay?"

Ellie's voice startled me as I realised I was just staring into space with tears rolling down my cheeks. She moved towards me to hug me and I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

"I think I need to leave him."

She put her arms around me and held me tight. I was so grateful for her in that moment.

"Okay, let's go to yours and get some stuff and we can talk about it later over some wine once you've calmed down."

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