Chapter Forty Seven

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The next morning, Ellie and Rachel came to the hotel to join us for breakfast. My ribs were hurting too much to go down to the restaurant,  so they came up to our room and we ordered room service.

"So who do you think it is?" Ellie asked with a mouthful of french toast.

"I don't know, I thought it was Mona at first, but she's in New Zealand," I answered.

"What about Adam?" Rachel asked, and I frowned.

"Why would Adam try to kill her?" Ellie was frowning too.

"I don't think they were trying to kill her, the car they were driving was huge, and if they wanted to kill her, they easily could've," Rachel said.

"But Adam wouldn't want to hurt her either," Ellie argued, "Plus, whoever is sending these texts sounds like they're in love with Alex, not Jay."

"Or maybe that's what they want us to think," Alex's voice startled me. She had just come out of the shower, and joined us on the bed in her dressing gown. I couldn't help but wish Ellie and Rach weren't here, she looked so beautiful with her hair wet, and she smelled so good.

"You think it's Adam too?" I asked her.

"I have no idea, but it's possible. I mean, they did send that picture of you and him in his house. Maybe he had cameras set up outside."

"Maybe we should go and see him," Ellie suggested.

"I'd rather not see him ever again, to be honest," I replied.

"I think Ellie's right, Jay," Alex said.

"Okay, if you think we should," I sighed, and put my hand on Alex's leg.

Alex and I got dressed while Ellie and Rachel finished off breakfast, then we waited for Mark to pick us up. Ellie had called him to be the muscle of the operation, although I'm sure Alex was ready to fight Adam if it was necessary. She looked tense as we all got into Mark's car.

The journey was over too quickly, and I felt uneasy as we neared my old home. A big part of me hoped that he was at work, so I didn't have to deal with all of this. I was disappointed to see his car on the drive as we turned.

"You okay?" Alex whispered, and I just responded with a nod.

We all got out of the car, and everyone followed me to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited. A few seconds later, the door opened, and there stood my ex husband looking baffled by the presence of me and my entourage.

"Jamie... Is everything okay?" he asked, sounding more confused that he looked. I wasn't sure whether he was acting or not.

"Can we come in?" I asked, and he looked at everybody stood behind me.

"You can come in, but your friends can wait here," he said, looking slightly worried now.

"Sorry buddy, it's cold out here," Mark said, walking straight past Adam, followed by Ellie and Rachel.

Adam looked at me questioningly, then gestured for me to go inside. Alex followed me closely, eyeing up Adam as she passed him.

"What's going on?" Adam asked, when we were all in the living room. We all sat down, and everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Did you run me over?" I asked bluntly,  and Adam laughed.

"What?" He asked, after he realised I wasn't joking.

"I got run over a few weeks back, by someone who's been sending me and Alex texts, trying to split us up. Do you know anything about it?"

"I didn't even know you had a boyfriend," Adam said, then looked at Mark, "honestly, I had no idea."

Ellie and Rach laughed, and Mark exchanged an awkward look with Alex. I felt relieved. Adam genuinely had no idea, I could tell he wasn't lying.

"Actually, Adam... This is Alex," I said, taking my girlfriend's hand in mine. Adam looked at our hands, and raised and eyebrow.

"You're joking?" He asked.

"Not even slightly," I replied.

"I turned you lesbian?"

"I can't let you take the credit for that one, dude," Alex answered.

I tried to work out his expression. I wasn't sure if he was angry, jealous, annoyed, or still just confused.

"Wow," he said finally, "That's not what I was expecting when you turned up at my door... So, what happened? This car crash... You're okay?"

I pulled up my sleeve slightly, to show him the cast on my arm.

"A couple of broken bones, but it could have been much worse, I suppose," I answered.

"But... Why did you think it was me?" he asked, his eyes flitting between all of us.

"Because whoever it was, sent me this," Alex answered, and showed him the first picture she was sent while we were in Paris.

"And you think I took this picture from outside my window, while I was inside?"

"We just needed to be sure," I answered. "The police have no idea who it is, so we've been trying to see what we could come up with."

"How can I help?" Adam asked.

"You can't," I replied, "we should go now."

We all stood up, and headed toward the door, with Adam following close behind.

"Jamie, can I have a word?" he asked.

I nodded, and everyone went to get in the car. Except for Alex, she just walked a few feet away from us and waited for me. I guessed that she wanted to hear what he wanted to talk about.

"Does she make you happy?"

"Happy doesn't even begin to explain how she makes me feel," I smiled.

He smiled back, and it felt like Adam was just an old friend now. There were no feelings left on my end, and it seemed like he had moved on too.

"Let me know if I can help in any way, and stay safe," he said.

I smiled again, before turning around and walking to Alex. She took my hand and lead me to Mark's car.

"Seems like a nice guy," Mark said as we drove away.

"Shut up, Mark," Ellie ordered, and we all laughed.

"Now what?" I asked Alex quietly, and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"We don't need to worry about that right now," she responded, and kissed me softly on the cheek.

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