Chapter Forty

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The next two days in Paris flew by, much to my disapproval. Alex and I took a trip up the Eiffel tower, also to my disapproval. Alex held my hand all the way up, and I refused to open my eyes when we got near the top. My fear of heights stopped us from staying there for too long. Alex didn't mind though, she was impressed that I didn't make her go alone.

We visited a lot of tourist attractions, but they were all really crowded. My favourite time on holiday was when we were alone in the hotel room. Not because of the sex. Well, not entirely because of the sex. But because Alex was all mine. There was nobody staring at us, nobody giving us funny looks when we kissed.

I didn't want to go home, and neither did Alex, but we needed to get back to reality. I was looking forward to taking her away again soon, we had already spoken about where we might go next. I think Alex felt guilty about not paying for anything though, because she kept talking about which places were cheaper to go to.

When I woke up on Tuesday morning, Alex was already awake and staring at me.

"Hey," I whispered, and she smiled sweetly.

"Hi," she replied, and pulled me into a kiss. My hands wandered to her waist, and then up towards her boobs.

I heard her breathing get faster, and she bit my lip, causing me to become so wet, so fast.

"We can't," I groaned, looking at the clock on the wall. "We're gonna miss our flight."

Alex pouted at me, then jumped out of bed to take a shower. I got out of bed too, and started to pack my suitcase. I was almost finished when my phone rang.

"Bonjour!" I said down the phone, after seeing that it was Ellie calling.

"Are you coming home yet?" Ellie asked bluntly.

"Our flight is in two hours. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah it's fine, I just miss you," she said, making me smile. "Oh, and Miranda's models are pissing me off!"

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because they're all divas. All of them. I mean seriously, Jay. They all want separate dressing rooms, and they don't get on with eachother, so they're all just bitching all day. And one of them called Rachel fat yesterday, so Rachel hasn't come to work today."

"What do you mean called her fat?!" I yelled. Rachel had lost a lot of weight after she was bullied in high school. Although she wasn't really my sister, I had always looked at her in that way, and it made me really angry that someone would be so horrible to her. "Right, send whoever it was home, tell Rachel to get to work, and I'll sit down with Miranda tomorrow. I'm not having that!"

"Okay, thanks Jay, I'll set it up with Miranda. Have a safe flight back and I'll see you later."

"See you tonight Ellie, love you!" I said.

"Love you too," she replied, and put the phone down.

"Problem?" Alex asked, making me jump. I thought she was still on the shower.

"Just an issue with Miranda's models, I need to speak to her tomorrow and set out some ground rules. Nothing to worry about," I said, walking up to her and pulling her into a hug.

"Okay, go and have a shower, we're gonna be late," she ordered, and I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. I liked it when she was bossy.

After my shower, I got dressed, and double checked that everything was packed. Alex was ready to leave, so we headed out of the room and checked out.


Alex sat by the plane window, and held my hand tight as we took off. She was a nervous flyer, and surprisingly, I wasnt. As long as I couldnt see out of the window, I was okay. We listened to some music during the flight, as the movies they were showing didn't appeal to us.

We had been in the air for about half an hour when Alex had gone to the bathroom. After about ten minutes, I got worried and went to check on her.

"Alex?" I said quietly, knocking on the toilet door.

The door flung open, and she pulled me inside.

"What're you-"

Alex cut my question off with a kiss. She pressed me against the wall, and explored the inside of my mouth with her tongue.

"I thought we could finish what you started this morning," she whispered in my ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"In here?" I whispered back, but it was too late. She was biting my neck already so there was no turning back now.

I tugged at the bottom of her t-shirt, and she stepped back slightly so I could pull it over her head. There wasn't much room to move about, but I managed to make it work. I unfastened her bra, and started to kiss one of her boobs, while my hand massaged to other. I sucked roughly on her nipple, and she moaned loudly, so I covered her mouth with one hand.

I left small kisses down her stomach, and kneeled down in front of her. I pulled her trousers and panties down in one swift movement, and she leaned back against the wall. I looked up to see her biting her lip, before I moved in on her pussy.

My tongue circled her clit slowly, as I inserted two fingers inside her and rubbed them against her sweet spot. I sucked on her clit hard, and she climaxed almost immediately.

"Fuck," she moaned in a long, drawn out whisper.

I started to kiss her thighs slowly, but she pulled me up so my face met hers. After a quick kiss, she turned me around, and bent me forward over the sink. She was quite forceful, which made me more aroused. She pulled my jeans and panties down to my ankles, and pushed my legs open a little more before kneeling down behind me.

I bit my lip hard to stop myself from moaning. Alex ran a flat tongue along my pussy, making my legs shiver. I was holding tightly on to the sink to stop me from falling. Her tongue moved quickly all around my core, and I came faster than I knew was possible.

"Oh my god," I breathed, and Alex bit my ass cheek softly, taking me by surprise. I almost bounced my head off the mirror over the sink.

We both got dressed quickly, and checked our appearances in the mirror. I saw that my lip was bleeding slightly from where I was biting it. When Alex saw, she kissed away the blood, and licked her lips before leaving me in the bathroom alone. I splashed my face with water and tried to gather my thoughts before I went to join her in our seats.

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