Chapter Fourteen

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"Ellie? Oh my god, what're you-"

"I'm fine! Shhhhh," she groaned.

I stared at her in awe. She was lay in the empty bathtub, fully clothed. Her make up was smudged down her face, and her hair resembled a birds nest.

"Ellie, when did you get in?" I asked, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Jamie, seriously, I just got in bed, can you just let me sleep for five minutes?"

"Ellie, sweetie, you're not in bed, you're in the bath." I told her, laughing loudly.

"I know you're lying because I'm not naked." She argued.

"Okay, I'm gonna just leave you there, because I have to work. I'll see you tonight," I kissed her on the forehead, and covered her over with a towel. Before I left, I took a photo of her on my phone.


"Alex, sorry I'm late!" I shouted as I ran to the studio door to let her in.

"It's fine," she smiled, "do we have a hangover?"

"Nah, I just need some coffee, Ellie, however is a different matter." I showed her the picture on my phone and she laughed.

"So, she had a good time with Rico, then?"

"Yeah looks like it," I opened the door the the studio, and started to make us some coffee, "We don't actually have any models coming in today, so I was thinking we could try something a little different."

"Okay, cool. Umm.. I wanted to say thank you, for not weirding out last night." she said, and I was confused.

"Oh, well, you shouldn't need to thank me for that, it doesn't matter who you like, it matters who you are. And I think you're a good person, and any girl would be lucky to have you." she beamed at my response.

"You've actually met my girlfriend, you know," she paused and I waited for her to continue, "Mona... The model we were taking photos of yesterday."

"Really? Wow, she's beautiful, I suppose that would explain the smile she had on her face all day," I laughed.

"Yeah, she's amazing. My dad doesn't know about her, he'd fire her if he found out. But we've been together for almost a year."

I was glad that Alex had somebody, who made her so happy. It made me feel angry with Damien for not accepting her. Although I'd only met Alex yesterday, I felt like I had known her for ages.

"How long have you and your husband been together?" She asked, and I was surprised. I realised that I was still wearing my wedding ring, and began to play with it instinctively.

"Actually, I'm in the process of a divorce," I replied, and Alex looked awkward.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay," I smiled, "It's a good thing, we weren't right for eachother. It's been a long time coming."

"Oh..." there was an awkward silence. "So, you said we were gonna do something different today?"

"Yeah, so I was thinking we could try taking some photos outdoors, and you can experiment with natural light. You said you liked walking and hiking, so I thought you could take me somewhere you like to go. Somewhere that would take good pictures." I told Alex my plan and she looked excited.

"I know just the place. But you might want to change out of your skirt and heels, it's not really hiking attire." she advised, and I laughed.

We both went our separate ways to get changed into more suitable clothes. I checked on Ellie while I was at home, and she was still fast asleep in the bath. I changed into some ripped denim shorts and a black vest. I tied my long blonde hair up into a ponytail,  and put on my grey Adidas trainers.

When I got back to the studio, Alex was waiting by the door, she was wearing denim shorts that were almost hidden by her baggy guns n roses t-shirt. She had on her black converse high tops, and her camera bag over her shoulder.

"Nice car," she said as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"Do you drive?" I asked, I hadn't only seen her walking so far.

"Yeah, but my dad took my car away from me a few weeks back," she said, embarrassed.

I unfastened my seat belt and got out of the car. I walked round to the passenger side and opened Alex's door.

"Just don't crash it."

She pretty much jumped out of the car and ran to the drivers side.

"Thanks," she said as she pulled out of the car park.

"I just thought it would be easier than you giving me directions." I lied. I felt sorry for Alex. She didn't deserve any of the punishment her father gave her.

We drove in silence for a while, before Alex decided to speak.

"So... What happened with your husband, if you don't mind me asking."

"Umm... Well, I don't know, we just- we just fell out of love I guess. I can't really pinpoint where it all went wrong, but it was a long time ago. We only actually separated a little over a week ago." I found it easy to talk to Alex. Not so easy that I was gonna tell her my husband didn't want to have sex with me, though.

"Wow, that's rough. You seem to be doing fine on your own though." she said.

"I'm not on my own really, Ellie hasn't left my side since I broke up with Adam. Except for today of course."

"Yeah but it's not the same, is it? A friendship isn't the same as a relationship." Alex pointed out.

"No, it's better, I'd say."

Alex smiled at me, then stopped the car in a really unusual spot.

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