Chapter Forty One

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Ellie was so excited when we got home. We barely even got our suitcases through the door before she jumped on us.

"Oh my god! Please don't leave me again!" She shouted, hugging Alex, and then me.

"Ellie, we were gone for three days," I pointed out.

"Three days too long," she argued, and I smiled.

"We missed you too, Ellie," Alex laughed.

"Jamie!" I heard Rachel's familiar voice before I saw her coming down the stairs.

"Hey Rach!" I said, pulling her into a hug. "It's so good to see you."

"You must be Alex," she said, turning to my beautiful girlfriend and hugging her too. "Ellie hasn't shut up about you."

"Don't worry Jay, it's not in a gay way," Ellie clarified, and we all laughed.

Alex was really tired from the flight so excused herself to go and take a nap. I sat in the living room with Rachel while Ellie made us pasta for dinner.

"I'm so happy you're here Rach, I haven't seen you in so long," I told her truthfully.

"I know, I think the last time I saw you was your wedding," she said, and I realised she was right, she was one of my bridesmaids. "Speaking of that... When did you turn lesbian?"

"I'm not a lesbian!" I laughed, "I just fell in love with Alex, it was kind of unexpected."

"Well yeah, I thought Ellie was joking when she told me. But she speaks very highly of Alex so I'm happy for you. I just don't understand where it went wrong with you and Adam, I thought you guys were perfect together."

"Really, I'm not sure anything was ever right with me and Adam. It was just easy, and familiar. But he turned out to be a complete ass, and I'm rich now so maybe it was for the best," I joked.

Rachel laughed, and I realised just how much I'd really missed her. When Ellie and I lived together before I moved in with Adam, Rachel was always staying with us. She was two years younger than her sister, but she always acted more mature than either of us.

"So Rach, tell me, what's new with you?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Well, I've finished college now, and I'm actually planning on hanging around here for a while. Ellie said it was okay for me to crash here for a bit, but as soon as I find a job I'll be out of your way, I promise."

"Don't be silly, stay as long as you like. We actually need an accountant, now that our business is expanding if you want the job?" I offered, remembering what Rachel had been studying.

"Really?" she asked, surprised. The answer was no. We didn't need an accountant, but Rachel was family.

"Yes, please. You'd be doing us a massive favour."

"Okay then, oh my god, thank you. I'm just gonna call Brad," she said, and jumped up from the sofa.

I stood up and went to join Ellie in the kitchen.

"Who's Brad?" I asked.

"Rachel's boyfriend. Did you just offer her a job?" Ellie asked, looking confused.

"I didn't know she had a boyfriend. And yeah. Is that okay?"

"It's a new development. And of course it is, that means she'll stick around for a bit." Ellie smiled.

"So how's food coming along? I'm starving," I asked, smelling the pasta.

"It's done now. You wanna go get Alex?"

"She can warm it up later, she's really tired from the flight," I said, and smiled at the image of me and Alex doing it in the airplane bathroom.

"Why are you blushing?" Ellie frowned, and my blush deepened. "No you didn't?!"

"What?" I asked, trying to look innocent, and failing.

"You fucked on the plane?!"

"Shut up!" I said, covering Ellie's mouth with my hand.

"Oh my god, who are you and what have you done with Jamie?" Ellie laughed. I ignored her, and started to set the table.

"What're you guys talking about?" Alex said, coming into the kitchen and putting her arms around my waist from behind. I turned my head to kiss her on the cheek.

"Just how you joined the mile high club," Ellie said, and I glared at her angrily.

"Yeah, it wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was fun," Alex laughed, and I was surprised that she wasn't annoyed we were talking about that.

Rachel walked into the kitchen, smiling. She was holding some letters.

"This is your post Jay, it came while you were away."

She handed me three letters. The first one was just junk mail. A massive grin grew on my face when I opened the second letter.

"I'm officially divorced!" I announced, and Ellie took the letter from me to read it.

"This calls for a party!" She said.

"No," I said, causing Ellie and Rachel to pout at me disappointedly.

"Maybe we could have our own private party later," Alex whispered in my ear, before she pulled my lips to hers.

"I like the sound of that," I whispered back, putting my hand in her back pocket and squeezing her ass gently.

I picked up the last letter, and opened it. It was a hand written envelope. My heart rate quickened as I read the letter in my mind.

You've clearly managed to manipulate Alex into thinking you're good enough for her. She deserves so much better than you, and I'll make sure that she gets it. Stay away from her or you'll regret it.

I guessed that it was the same person who sent Alex the photo while we were in Paris. I took Alex's hand and pulled her into the hallway.

"What's up?" she asked, confused. I didn't reply, I just handed her the letter. She read it fast, and her expression grew angry. "What the fuck is wrong with this person?!"

"I don't know, should we take it to the police? It's a threat, isn't it?"

"I doubt the police would do anything Jay," she replied, "Don't worry about this babe, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you."

"Well that's good, because I wouldn't be able to stay away from you."

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