Chapter Fifty Three

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I struggled to find the words I wanted to say. I decided it wouldn't be wise to just ask him if he tried to kill me. I knew Damien was smart, and if it was him, and I let him know that I was on to him, it could make things so much worse.

"Have you seen Alex?" I asked, and saw Ellie and Rachel's faces change from anxious, to confused.

"I'm sorry?"

"Your daughter. Have you seen her?" I said, "We had an argument last night, and I just wanted to know if you had seen her."

"Are you joking?" He laughed, and I just stared at him, wondering what was funny.

He looked at Ellie, then at Rachel, and then back to me.

"The last time I saw my daughter, was at your studio, when you took her away from me," he said, angrily.

"I didn't ta-"

"I trusted you to take her under your wing, to give her a sense of normality, and you abused my trust. You took advantage of my request, and you took my daughter away from me," he yelled.

"I didn't take your daughter away from you, Damien. She ran from you!" I argued. "You took away everything that made her happy, and you're surprised that she didn't want you in her life?"

"I did it for her!" Damien growled. "What kind of father would I be, if I let her think that it was normal to do what she did? I put her with you girls, thinking that she would realise what's right and wrong, and all you did was make it worse! It was my mistake, I should have realised that you were fucked up, too!"

"Woah! Back the fuck up mister!" Rachel said, stepping between me and Damien.

"And who the fuck are you?"

"Why the fuck does that matter, you homophobic ass?!" She yelled, and I couldn't help but smile. "I've spent a lot of time with your daughter recently, and, although I didn't know her before she got with Jamie, I can tell you that she is madly in love with with this girl. You're the only one that's fucked up, if you think there's anything wrong with two people being in love, regardless of their gender."

"Miss Collins, please call off your dog, before I have her escorted from the building," Damien said, and I pulled Rachel back just before she managed to take a swing at him. He stepped back to his desk and pressed a button on his phone.

"Diane, send security up to my office, please."

"There's no need for that, Damien. We're leaving," I said. "I'll tell Alex you said hi, when I see her."

"You stay the fuck away from my daughter, you little bitch!" he shouted, as we left the office and headed for the stairs.

We left the building quickly, before security could catch up with us.

"I'm sorry, Jay," Rach said when we got back in the car, "I shouldn't have got involved. And I probably shouldn't have tried to punch him."

"No, probably not," I laughed, "but I'm glad that you did."

"I think he did it, Jay," Ellie said, staring out of the window. "We should call the police."

"No, Ellie. I can't call the police. Not until I've spoken to Alex."

She sighed, and started to drive back home. I took out my phone and tried to call Alex again, but still no answer. I sent a text that read 'Baby, please call me. I need to talk to you. I love you'.

"Does she have any friends around here? Somewhere she could be staying?" Rachel asked.

"What about Rico?" Ellie suggested.

I unlocked my phone, and called Rico's number.

"Jamie, hey. How's it going?" Rico answered.

"Hi Rico. Have you seen Alex today?" I asked hopefully.

"She was here last night, said you two had fallen out. When I went to sleep, she was in the spare room, but she was gone when I went to check on her this morning. She didn't come home?"

"No, she didn't. Did she seem okay last night?"

"Jamie, I'm gonna be honest with you, she was in tears most of the night," he said, and I sighed. "That girl is crazy about you, and whatever you guys argued about, she wanted to fix it. That's why I wasn't surprised when she was gone this morning. I just thought she had come to find you."

"Thanks Rico, I'll find her," I replied.

"Let me know when you do, Jamie. And I'll call if I see her before I hear from you."

I hung up the phone, feeling relieved. She wanted to fix things with me. Maybe she was home waiting for me.

"What did he say?" Ellie asked.

"She was there last night, but he doesn't know where she is now," I said cheerfully. "Can we go home now please?"

"Yeah, we're going," Ellie said, looking confused as to why I was happy.

I was disappointed to find that Alex wasn't at home, when we got there. I went up to my room, and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I took my laptop from next to the bed and turned it on. I opened up the gallery, and started to look through my photos of Alex. I felt the tears threatening my eyes as I looked at a photo of her, kneeling next to the pond on top of the mountain.

"Jamie, you fucking idiot," I whispered to myself, before jumping out of bed, and running down the stairs.

I grabbed my car keys, and got into my car, before driving away. The gates installed by the security company were a huge inconvenience today. I typed the code in, then sped off down the road.

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