Chapter Fifty Four

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I had trouble sticking to the speed limit on my way to the mountains. I just wanted to find Alex. I wanted to kiss her and tell her how much I loved her.

Ellie started to call me, and her name flashed up on the screen of my car. I pushed the button on the steering wheel, to answer the call.

"Hey," I answered.

"Jay, where are you?" she asked, sounding worried.

"I'm going to find Alex, I think I know where she is," I said happily.


"Remember when Alex and I took some photos, up on the mountains? Well, there's a place we've been to, a few times, with a waterfall and a meadow, and-"

"Why do you think she'll be there, Jay?" Ellie asked.

"She told me she used to go there, to get away from everything. It's the only place she would go if she was mad, or upset. I don't know why I didn't think about it sooner," I told her. I finally turned on to the road leading up the mountain.

"Why didn't you bring me with you, Jay? You're terrified of heights, you can't go there alone," she said.

"I can, for her."

"Just be careful, okay?"

"I will. I'll see you when I get back," I replied.

"See you later, Jay. Good luck with Alex."

I pressed the button to end the call, and focused on the narrow road in front of me. I drove slower, and slower, as I got higher up. Once I reached our usual parking spot, I made sure that I was far enough away from the cliff that I wouldn't throw up.

I got out of my car, and started walking towards Alex's favourite place.

I didn't know why, but I was so nervous. It had been less than a day since I saw her, but it had felt like a year. I didn't know how she would react when she saw me. What if she still didn't want to see me?

The thought made my heart sink. I knew that it was possible, but I couldn't turn around. I needed to see her. I needed to beg for her forgiveness. Even though I still thought her dad tried to kill me, I would still beg for her forgiveness. I loved her so much, and I would happily let him keep trying, if it meant I could watch the yellow flecks dance around in her eyes again.

My eyes searched desperately around in front of me, as I walked along the path. I was getting closer, and more nervous. I slowed down, not wanting to be all sweaty and breathless when I found Alex.

I tried to rehearse in my head what I would say to her, but there was too much to say, and it didn't make much sense. I decided to just see what happens.

My heart was beating faster as I reached my destination. My eyes quickly ran all around the place, struggling to find her.

"Alex?" I shouted.

She wasn't there.

I sighed, and sat down on the ground. I stared at the pond, where Alex had pushed me in, and then at the waterfall, where I found her crying the first time I drove here alone. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I thought about her.

I wasn't ready to give up yet. I took out my phone, opened up my text conversation with Alex, and started to type.

'Alex, please call me or something. I need to know you're okay, even if you never want to see me again. I love you, and I really want to fix this. I came up to our spot, thinking you would be here. I'm gonna wait here for an hour. Please come and talk to me, or at least let me know you're okay. I miss you.'

I pressed send, then put my phone in my pocket, and waited.

I waited for an hour, like I told her I would. And then I waited for another hour, just in case. I would hate myself if she showed up, and I wasn't here.

After the second hour of sitting there, I told myself that, that was it. She didn't want to see me anymore, and it was all my fault. I cried as I walked back to my car. I fucked up, and now I needed to live with it.

My eyes still searched all around, hoping that I was wrong, but I wasn't. I felt empty as I reached my car.

I saw my reflection in the window of my car, and wiped my eyes, then I stared out at the city. It looked beautiful from up here. I never noticed before, I always looked away from the edge of the cliff.

I walked around my car, and stood next to the cliff, gripping the railing tightly. I thought about Alex, and imagined I was staring into her eyes, and I was able to control my breathing. I loosened my grip slightly, and took in the landscape in front of me.

My admiring of the view was cut short when a strong hand grabbed my chin and pulled my head up slightly, so I was looking at the cloudy sky. I gasped, and tried to pull the hand off of me.

I tried to push the person backwards, so that I could get away from them, but something sharp jabbed into my neck and I lost my balance. I tried to pull myself back up, but my legs wouldn't move. I was only held off the ground by the stranger who had attacked me.

I tried to get a look at the stranger, but my vision grew blurry, and my eyes slowly started to close.

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