Chapter Twenty Seven

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"So she set you up with someone, then fell in love with him when you didn't want him?" Alex asked.

"Exactly. Very complicated," I laughed. "But if she's happy, I'm happy."

"Yeah it's good. If nothing else, you can put it in your maid of honour toast." Alex pointed out, and I imagined how that speech would go down.

"So how did it go with Tammy?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to know the answer.

Alex looked into my eyes, searching for the jealousy that I tried so hard to hide, and smiled.

"It's a... It's a very long story with me and Tammy. We went to school together. And she was actually my first girlfriend," she said, and I sighed. "Tammy's still holding onto everything that we used to have. But a lot happened between us, and I can't forget about it. Now it's just a bit of fun for me, I guess."

I smiled at her answer.

"Why do you ask?" Alex said, looking into my eyes.

"I was just wondering. You seemed pretty close last night." I said, trying not to give anything else away.

"See you later, girls!" Ellie shouted from the hallway, and ran out the door to meet Mark after we both shouted bye.

"You took off your wedding ring," Alex said, taking my hand in hers.

"Yeah, I don't really know why I was still wearing it. I used it last night to get rid of some creep at the bar," I laughed.

I thought about kissing her, but her phone rang. I heard a man's voice on the phone.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, we'll come to you now." she said and hung up the phone. "We need to go to Rico's, I still have his key, and he has our cameras."

We both went to get dressed, and I drove us down to Rico's. It was warm outside so I wore some denim shorts and a white cami with my white converse. Alex was wearing black ripped skinny jeans with a white t-shirt. She wore her glasses again. I knew it was because I told her she looked good in them, but I didn't mention it.

After we got our cameras from Rico's, we discussed what we could do for the day, as Ellie had ditched us for love.

"We have our cameras, why don't we go up the mountain and take some more pictures." Alex suggested.

"Because it's Sunday, and we're not working today. But we can go up the mountain just to go up the mountain," I said and Alex smiled. "But you're driving."

I got out of the car and opened her door. She stepped out as well and went to the drivers side.


When we got to our usual parking spot on the cliff, Alex got out of the car and came around to my side. She opened my door, and took both of my hands, like she did the first time we came here. I stared into her eyes, like I did the first time.

"I love your eyes, Alex," I said, and she blushed.

She didn't respond to my compliment, she just focused on walking backwards.

"Why do you do that?" I asked, and she looked confused. "Why do you look so uncomfortable when I compliment you?"

"I don't know, I guess it's just new to me," she said.

"I don't believe that for one second." I said.

"No, really. I've always been in relationships where I'm punching above my weight, so people wouldn't really notice me next to my supermodel exes," she laughed.

"I don't think it's possible for you to punch above your weight," I said, and her cheeks turned a crimson colour.

"C'mon," Alex said, ignoring me again, and turning around now to walk over the hill to the waterfall.

She had taken her hands away from mine, but I slid my hand back into hers while we were walking. She interlocked our fingers, and tightened the grip for a second.

It felt nice to be here with Alex, without Ellie's constant interruptions. Without anybody else around. We walked slowly around the meadow talking about Rico's club and how well opening night went.

As we neared the waterfall, Alex let go of my hand and pushed me. I fell into the pond with a big splash.

"What the fuck, Alex?!" I shouted. I stood in the pond and the water came to just above my waist.

Alex laughed at me, and I tried to be angry, but failed, and smiled at her. She looked into my eyes, as she unbuttoned her jeans. She pulled off her shoes and her jeans, revealing her purple lace underwear.

She sat on a rock at the edge of the pond, flinching at the cold water. I splashed her and she let out a very girly scream. I slowly walk toward her, ready to pull her into the water

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!" she shouted and got into the water, "Fuck, it's cold!"

I laughed at her, and moved closer to her. As I got to her, my hands reached for hers, and found them. I pulled her close to me, and moved one of my hands to behind her neck. I pulled her face to mine and crashed our lips together.

My body heated up within seconds. Alex's hands traveled to my back, and slowly down to my ass. She pushed them into my shorts pockets and let them stay there. My tongue roamed around the inside of her mouth, playing with her tongue.

Alex backed away slightly, and took my bottom lip in her teeth. I moaned in response, and felt her smirk against my mouth.

"I need to tell you something," she whispered, and my heart was racing.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"I can see your nipples,"

I realised that I was wearing a white top, in a cold pond. I pushed Alex backwards by her shoulders, and she fell back into the water. She laughed as she stood up again.

"Now I can see yours," I said, biting my lip, and staring into her eyes.

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