Chapter Fifty Six

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I sat on the floor with Alex for a bit, while she cried. I didn't say a word. I knew there was nothing I could say to make this better, so I just had to be there for her.

I was sure that it was Damien, so I couldn't understand why I was so shocked. Alex said that her dad would likely hurt me, but he wouldn't involve her, and I agreed. Clearly we were wrong.

I felt so sympathetic towards Alex, she didn't deserve this. She was so good, and kind, and I couldn't understand what kind of father could do this to his daughter.

"I went to see him, you know," I said, after a long period of silence. Alex looked at me, tears still trickling from her eyes.


"In the morning. When you didn't answer your phone, I thought maybe he'd seen you. When I asked him, he just got mad, and started blaming me for taking you away from him," I said, "and then, Rach tried to hit him, so we left before security got there."

Alex laughed silently for a second.

"I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you," she said.

"You don't need to apologise, most people would react the same if it was their family."

"He's not my family. He hasn't been, for a long time. You, and Ellie, and Rach... You're my family now, and I should have listened to you. If I had, we could have gone to the police, and stopped all of this from happening," she said, and I sighed.

"What's done is done, Alex. We need to try and figure out how to get out of here."

"There is no way out, Jay. We're stuck, until he decides to come in here and finish us off," she cried.

I took her hand in mine, then looked around the room, hoping to see something that I'd missed earlier. There was nothing. Still only a boarded up window, a locked door, an empty bookshelf, the box of food and water, and a camera.

"Wait," I whispered. Alex looked at me questioningly, and I pointed at the camera.


"The red light... The camera's on now. He's watching us," I said quietly, staring at the red light that was occasionally blinking.

Alex stared up at the camera, realising that I was right. The fact that Damien could see us, made me very uneasy. He could be on the other side of the door, or he could be miles away. But wherever he was, he could see us, and it gave me the creeps.

Alex stood up, still looking at the camera. She no longer looked scared, but angry.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She yelled.

"Alex, I'm not sure this is-"

"How could you do this to your own daughter?!" She screamed at the camera. I stood up, and stepped in front of her.

"Baby, you're just gonna make him angry," I said softly, trying to calm her down. She only answered me with a look that basically told me to fuck off and get out of her way. So I fucked off, and got out of her way. I'd never seen her like this, and I didn't want her to be mad at me again.

"I defended you!" She started to shout again. "After everything you've done, I still took your side when Jamie told me she thought it was you!"

I could see the pain behind her eyes as she shouted. She was angry, but she was hurt too, and it hurt me to see her like this.

"What's your plan? Are you gonna keep us locked in here forever? Because that will change nothing. You can't change how I feel about her," she said, getting quieter as she continued.

I wanted to wrap my arms around her, and tell her everything would be okay. But I couldn't lie to her, and I had no idea how it would all end.

"Come in here, and talk to me," she demanded. "Stop hiding behind that fucking door, and man up. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, so let's get this over with."

I honestly thought that Damien might have reacted to her dare. I looked at the door, waiting for it to unlock, but nothing happened. I sighed, and looked at Alex.

After a minute or two, she turned to face me, her green eyes locking with mine. She stepped closer to me, and put her hand to my face, running her thumb gently over my lips.

I was taken by surprise when she pulled her lips to mine. Surely, it wasn't the right time for this. I started to back away, but she put her arms around my neck, and kept me there. It took me a minute before I realised what she was doing. She wanted to make him angry, so he would come into the room.

I put my hands on her waist, and pushed her back against the wall, knowing that the camera would still see us. Our tongues were sliding against one another's. Although it wasn't the time or the place to be doing this, I didn't want to stop.

Our intense kiss was interrupted when we heard quiet footsteps approaching the door. I had a mini heart attack, as we both moved quickly to the other side of the room. Alex interlocked her fingers with mine, and pushed me behind the bookshelf. Obviously, she thought I was in more danger from her father.

I heard a click as the door unlocked, and it creaked loudly as it opened. I tried to step out from behind the bookshelf, but Alex's grip tightened on my hand, and stopped me from moving.

"Stay the fuck away from her," a female voice warned.

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