Chapter Sixty Nine

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"Time to wake up, baby," Alex whispered, and I forced my eyes to open.

"What time is it?"

"It's nine-fifteen," she replied, and my eyes widened.

"We've gotta leave in an hour, why didn't you wake me earlier?"

"Because you look so cute when you're asleep. Besides, everything's ready. You just need to shower, and get dressed and then we're good to go."

"Okay, okay... Are the girls awake?" I asked.

"They're awake, and ready. They're eating breakfast," she assured me.

I smiled and nodded, then went to take a shower. When I was finished, I dried my hair, and put on the denim shorts and yellow tartan shirt I had chosen to wear today. I pulled on my white converse, and made my way downstairs.

Ellie, Rach and Alex were sat at the table. They had already eaten, and had made me some grilled cheese, that was still hot. I ate fast, then washed it down with a cup of tea. Nobody had spoken since I got to the kitchen, and it made me nervous.

"What time will your dad be here?" I asked Alex.

"In about ten minutes," she smiled.

"Is he actually gonna let me in his limo?" Rach asked, and Alex just laughed in response. I had forgotten that Rachel tried to hit Damien, the last time she saw him.

"I'm sure it'll be fine as long as you don't try to punch him again," I laughed.

I looked across at Ellie,  who was avoiding eye contact with me. I knew she was sad that I was leaving, just as I was sad to be leaving her. I wasn't sure how I would cope without her for three months. I just hoped that she would come and visit me, sooner, rather than later.

"So, what will you guys be doing after we leave?" I asked, hoping to get some conversation from my best friend.

"Were gonna go meet the guys, I think we're going out for dinner tonight," Rach answered, while Ellie stayed silent.

Alex made conversation with Rach, while I just stared at Ellie. So many memories ran through my mind, and it felt like I was never going to see her again. Tears threatened my eyes, so I excused myself to go to the bathroom, so I could compose myself.

"My dad's here," Alex shouted, and I made my way back to everyone.

Alex buzzed Damien through the gate, and he knocked at the door a few moments later. We all rushed around, getting mine and Alex's things together, while Ellie opened the door.

Damien stood in the doorway, along with a short man in a suit, who I assumed was his driver. They took the cases and bags to the car, and we joined them in the limo.

Alex sat by Damien, who offered us all refreshments. Rachel sat next to Alex, so she didn't need to make direct contact with Damien. And I sat next to Ellie, who still hadn't spoken to me.

"Ellie, please don't be mad at me," I whispered.

"I'm not mad, you fruit loop."

I laughed at her response, and she took my hand in hers.

"I'm sad, because you're leaving. And I'm happy, because you're happy. And I'm scared, because I'm having a baby. And I'm jealous, because my best friend is running off to Venice for three months," she said, holding back tears.

"Wow, these hormones are hitting you hard," I joked. "Ellie, I'm gonna miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you too," she said, and tears started to escape her eyes.

"Oh my god, what have you done to her?" Rach asked, "I told you I was gonna have to deal with her while you're gone, don't make it harder for me!"

"Fuck off, Rach. We're having a moment," Ellie cried.

"Ellie, please don't be sad. It's only three months, it'll fly by, I promise," I said softly, wiping her eyes.

"I know it will," she replied. "I'm so happy for you, you know?"

"I know you are."

"No, you don't understand. When you first told me that you two were together, I thought you were crazy," she admitted. "But then I saw how she looked at you, and how you looked at her. I could see that you were meant to be together."

I smiled like an idiot.

"You're gonna have an amazing time, make the most of it, okay?"

"We will," I replied, and looked at Alex, who was deep in conversation with both Rachel, and her father.

"And if she hurts you, I will actually kill her," she whispered. "But also, if you hurt her, I'll probably seriously injure you, cause I really like her, but I could never kill you."

"We're here," Damien said, saving me from my terrifying conversation with my best friend.

We all got out of the car, and walked into the airport. Damien and Rachel pulled our suitcases behind us. We checked our suitcases in, then headed to the gate where we would need to go through security, and I knew it was time to say goodbye.

Damien hugged Alex, and told her he would come and visit. Then he shook my hand, before leaving to wait for the girls in the limo.

"Look after her for me," Ellie requested from Alex, and tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"I will Ellie, I promise," she replied, and hugged her tightly.

Rachel pulled me into her arms.

"I'm gonna redecorate your room while you're gone, okay?" she whispered into my ear, and I could hear her voice was shaking slightly.

"I'll send you some awful pictures," I joked, "Don't let her stress out too much, please."

She kissed me on the cheek, before turning to say goodbye to Alex.

Ellie grabbed me, and squeezed me tightly.

"I love you so much," she cried.

"I love you too," I said, and I finally gave up trying to hold back the tears.

"You'd better video chat me every day, no excuses."

"Yes boss," I laughed, wiping my eyes.

There was announcement for our flight, and Alex told me that we needed to board the plane. We said one last goodbye to Ellie and Rach, and headed toward security.

We put our bags on the little conveyor belt, and walked through the metal detectors. We took our bags and waved to Ellie and Rachel, before walking to our gate.

By the time we had boarded the plane, and taken our seats, I had stopped being upset, and started feeling excited.

"Are you okay?" I asked Alex, hoping she wasn't too anxious about the flight.

"I'm amazing," she replied, taking my hand. "I'm about to spend three months in Venice with the love of my life."

I leaned in to kiss her, and she smiled against my mouth. Our lips moved slowly against eachothers.

I thought about the next three months, and realised there's nothing else I would rather be doing than being with Alex.

We waited impatiently for the plane to take off. I was excited to leave now. I was excited for the next chapter of my life to begin.

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