Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" Ellie shouted in my face. She startled me, and I almost fell out of bed.

"Why?" I asked sleepily.

"Because I'm bored!"

"Ellie, go back to bed, it's half eight," I moaned, looking at my alarm clock. "We don't have a job now."

"Yeah I know, but you're loaded and we've hardly spent any of your money," she laughed.

I realised she was right. Since I had the money from Adam, I had only bought the house and the furniture. I had been too wrapped up in mine and Alex's situation.

"So where do you wanna go?" I asked, finally sitting up in bed to look at her.

"Mcdonalds," she said, grinning.

"I have over a million in my bank, and you want to go to Mcdonalds?" I laughed.

"Yeah well, we can discuss what to do after while we're eating a delicious breakfast."

I agreed, and walked away from her to take a shower.

When I came out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around me, and went to my closet to choose some clothes.

"Hey, Jamie, I heard you say you were go-" Alex started, walking into my room, until she saw me wearing just my towel. "Shit, I'm sorry!"

My face flushed red, as she walked back out of the door, leaving it open just enough to still talk to me.

"It's okay Alex, you can come in," I said timidly.

She stepped back into my room, and made sure to keep her eyes locked with mine, smiling slightly.

"I was just gonna ask if you wouldn't mind me tagging along for breakfast?" she asked.

"Of course you can," I replied, and stepped towards her. Her eyes didn't leave mine until my lips met hers, forcing them closed.

I only realised I was still wearing only a towel when her hands moved to my hips. I pulled away from her, and gave a shy smile again. She grinned at me, and started to walk back to the door.

"I'll go get ready then," she said, and turned around to take one last look at me.


While we were eating Mcdonalds, we decided to go the beach for the day. It was gonna be a really hot day, so we went home to change into suitable attire.

I let Alex drive us there in my car, and regretted it as soon as we got onto the motorway. She got a little bit too excited, and put her foot down.

"I'll drive back, I think," I said to Alex as we got out of the car, and she just laughed.

"I think Alex is the better driver really, Jay," Ellie joked. I rolled my eyes at her.

We found a spot on the beach to set down our towels and lie down. Ellie and Alex stripped down to their bikinis straight away, but I kept my clothes on. I made sure to wear short shorts, and a strappy vest to get a half decent tan.

"Are you not hot?" Ellie asked, frowning at me.

"No, I'm fine," I said. Ellie knew that I had issues with showing my body off, but she was so used to seeing me in just my bra at home that she thought it was weird.

"I'm gonna go down to the water," Alex said, looking at the sea. It was more blue than I'd seen in a while, and it did look inviting, but I didn't feel like swimming right now. I watched Alex as she walked down the beach.

"So, any more developments with you two?" Ellie asked, and caught me off guard.

"Umm, I... What?" was all I managed to get out, and Ellie laughed.

"I'm not stupid Jay, I see how you look at her. And I already told you how obvious she is around you. I was just wondering if you kissed again or anything?" she asked, and I thought about telling her, but it was early days and I didn't want to make the whole living together situation uncomfortable for Ellie or Alex.

"No, nothing else has happened," I said, and Ellie looked unconvinced. "We're just friends Ellie, I told her I didn't want anything else the other night, before we went to Rico's."

"Yeah I know you did," she said, and I guessed that she believed me now. "To be fair, most girls experiment. You're just doing it later than most."

"Did you ever experiment?" I asked, and Ellie avoided my questioning glare.

"Maybe," she replied, and I gasped dramatically.

"What?! When? With who?" I asked loudly, "and why the hell didn't you tell me?!"

"Sophie Green, in the first year of college when you and Adam went to his parents," she admitted, and my mouth hung open.

"What, you just kissed, or...?" I trailed off, waiting for her to finish my sentence.

"We kissed, and we started to fool around, but it wasn't for me, so we just got drunk instead." she answered, her cheeks turning slightly red.

I couldn't imagine Ellie with a girl, she had always been boy crazy.

"Hey, the water's beautiful, you should go down," Alex suggested, as she got close to us. I stared at how the water dripped slowly down her body, and swallowed, as my mouth began to water.

"I think I will," Ellie said, jumping up to avoid the conversation we were just having.

"What were you two talking about?" Alex asked curiously, and I laughed.

"Nothing important," I replied, and smiled. I looked into her eyes to see the sun reflecting off them, making the yellow flecks almost invisible. I wished I could kiss her now, but that would raise way too many questions with Ellie.

I wondered if she felt the same way, or if she only agreed not to tell her because I suggested it. Hopefully we would figure out was happening between us soon enough so we could stop hiding it.

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