Chapter Sixty Six

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Two hours later, we had booked the hotel, and flights. We would leave in four days, and return three months later.

We had booked a two bedroom suite, thanks to Ellie's suggestion. Ellie and Mark would join us for a week, as would Rachel and Brad. They would come separately so the studio wouldn't need to close.

Alex had arranged for us to meet Damien for lunch tomorrow. I had asked her if she wanted to book it after she spoke to him, but she was adamant that his opinion didn't matter in the slightest, and I agreed.

We went to bed early, but Alex and I talked about all the things we would do in Venice. We were both really excited, and didn't end up sleeping until the early hours of the morning.


In the morning, Alex and I went shopping, before we needed to meet Damien. We both bought enough new clothes for our trip, so we wouldn't need to spend hours deciding what to pack.

We loaded the shopping into the car, and drove to the restaurant to meet Damien. He was already waiting at our table when we got there. He was dressed in a suit, so I guessed he had come from work.

"Hey," he said, standing when he saw us, and smiling.

"Hello, Dad."

"Hi Damien," I said, smiling back at him. It still felt weird, being nice to him.

We all ordered our food, and made small talk. It seemed like Alex was trying to find the right time to tell him we were leaving, until Damien steered the conversation in a different direction.

"So, did you think any more about coming to work with me?"

Alex took a sip of her drink, and considered how to break the news to him.

"Actually, dad, I want to table that discussion for a few months. I asked you to lunch today, because I needed to talk to you," she said. I looked at Damien, so I could get an idea of how he felt, but his face never looked any different. "Jamie and I are leaving for a few months."

"Where are you going?" He asked. He didn't look upset, or angry, or even surprised.

"We're going to Venice," I answered. "We leave on Sunday."

"Good," he said, "Venice is beautiful. And Alex loves Italian food, so she'll be in her element."

I smiled, but I turned to Alex, and saw that she looked confused.

"So you're okay with it?" She asked.

"Alex, honey, I think you need this," he answered. "I mean, I'm gonna miss you, and I was looking forward to working with you. But you and Jamie need to get away from here. Too much has happened here, and a change of scenery will do you good."

"Thank you. And you can come and visit. We've booked a two bedroom suite," I replied.

"I might just do that," he smiled.

"So, we can talk about work when we get home?" Alex asked.

"Of course. I told you, the offer will always stand. And you'll probably find it easier to think about while you're on holiday."

"I think you're right," she said. "And, I'm really glad we're okay now, dad."

"Me too," he smiled.

We told Damien more about our plans for Venice as we ate. He seemed genuinely happy for us, and I could see that Alex was happy too.

Now that we had told everyone we needed to tell, I was even more excited. I was gonna have Alex all to myself for three months, in a place I've always dreamed of visiting. I couldn't imagine my life being more perfect.

"Damien, I know this is weird, considering our past," I said, and he looked intrigued by what I would say. "But, thank you for introducing me to your daughter. I know the situation isn't ideal for you, but she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I couldn't imagine my life without her."

I wasn't sure whether Alex wanted to laugh or cry, she looked more confused than anything. I guess she didn't expect me to say anything like that to her father. I could tell Damien considering what to say, before he spoke.

"Actually, Jamie, you're wrong," he replied. "This situation wasn't ideal, until I realised that you're the best thing that's happened to her, too. I spent too long worried about what people would think, and trying to convince her that it was unnatural, and I was an idiot. You've made her happier than I've ever seen her. You took her in when you barely knew her, and looked after her better than I could. You saved her life."

Damien's words were genuine, and I felt a smile creep up on my lips. I never thought I wanted his blessing, but it felt great to finally get it.

"Can you imagine how different this could have been, if Ellie had trained me?" Alex said, fighting back a laugh.

Damien laughed, I couldn't remember ever seeing him laugh before. I rolled my eyes at Alex, not wanting to think about how things could have been.

"What time do you fly on Sunday?" Damien asked, changing the subject.

"Eleven-thirty," Alex replied.

"Can I come to the airport? I'd like to see you, before you go."

"Of course you can," she beamed. He smiled in response. I was so happy that they were getting along now. And I was also happy that my girlfriend's dad didn't hate me anymore.

We finished our meals, and said goodbye to Damien. He went back to work, and Alex and I went home to get all of our new clothes packed, ready for Venice.

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