Chapter Twenty Two

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After we had built the furniture, we opened another bottle of wine and sat in the garden. It wasn't cold outside but I wanted to try out the fire pit I had bought, so we sat around a fire, drinking.

"I love this house, Jay. Please don't ever kick me out," Ellie said, slurring her words.

"Don't worry Ellie, you're not going anywhere. I need someone to annoy me most of the time," I laughed.

"This place really does look great though, Jamie," Alex added, and I smiled. I was proud of how much work we had done in such a short time. It looked like a home now, and tonight would be our first night sleeping here.

"Maybe we'll have that housewarming party next weekend," I suggested, and Ellie's face lit up.

"Oh my god, can we invite people from college, just to let them know we're rich now?"

"I'm rich, Ellie. You're rich by association," I laughed.

"Okay fine, but we don't need to tell them that!" She argued. Alex and I both laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Whatever, Ellie. I'm going to bed anyway. We're gonna be busy tomorrow night, so I suggest you two get some sleep too," I said, remembering we needed to go to Rico's club opening. Alex and Ellie both got up to go to bed too.

I changed into some pyjama shorts and a cami, and climbed into my new king size bed. The wine helped me drift off to sleep almost immediately.


When I woke up, it was still dark, so I checked my phone, and it was just after three. I quietly got out of bed to get a glass of water. As I started down the stairs, I saw that the kitchen light was on.

"Hi," Alex said quietly. She was sitting on the kitchen worktop, wearing only an oversized white t-shirt and some black underwear. Once again, my heart was beating fast, and my hands were sweating.

I remembered earlier, when Alex almost kissed me, it played like a video in my head, and I felt my cheeks redden.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked, walking into the kitchen and taking a glass from the cupboard.

"I just needed a drink," she said, picking up a glass of orange juice from the worktop next to her.

"Me too," I said, taking a sip of my water.

I looked over to her, and she was watching me. Her green eyes and her nose ring sparkled in the light. She was so beautiful.

She jumped down from the worktop, and washed her glass in the sink next to me. I couldn't stop looking at her.

"Well, goodnight Jay," she said, and kissed me softly on the cheek. I wanted to grab her arm and pull her back so I could kiss her properly, but I couldn't. I was pretty much frozen still, but her lips felt like they burned a hole through my cheek.

"Goodnight Alex," I almost whispered, as she walked out of the kitchen.

I was so fucking confused.

I definitely liked Alex, there was no confusion on that part. But why?

I never liked a girl before. But right at that moment as I stood in my kitchen with a glass of water in my hand, all I could think about was Alex's lips. And her green eyes. And those yellow flecks that danced in the light. And her nose ring, and her long, tanned legs, and the shell tattoo on the back of her neck.

I finished my water and went back upstairs. I stopped as I came to Alex's room, and stood by the door. What would happen if I went in there? Or if I just knocked? Alex almost kissed me earlier and I felt like I had been cheated out of that.

I didn't want anything more than a kiss, not immediately anyway. But I hadn't wanted something so badly for a long time. I was never going to get her out of my head if I didn't just get it over with.

After standing there for about a minute, I decided to ignore everything for another night. Then I heard a door open. I turned around and saw that Alex had come out of her room, and was standing against the door frame, looking at me.

Without another thought, I walked back to her. She watched cautiously as I neared her. I could hear that her breathing was as heavy as mine, as my face got close to hers.

I put my right hand to her face, and slowly moved my thumb and index finger down her jaw line and to her chin. I tilted her head up slightly, still looking into her eyes, before I moved in. My eyes closed, and my lips hovered only a slight distance from hers before she closed the gap.

I felt my heart stop as her soft lips touched mine. Our lips moved slowly together, before her tongue slid across my bottom lip. I parted my lips to let her in, and moved my tongue in sync with hers.

Alex's hands travelled to my lower back, where they pulled me closer to her. I moved my hands to the back of her neck, and deepened the kiss. Her teeth gently tugged on my bottom lip, causing me to let out a quiet moan, and I felt her smile against my lips.

I slowly pulled away from her, and looked into her eyes, and she smiled again. I took her hands from my back, and interlocked our fingers.

"Goodnight, Alex," I whispered, and kissed her on the cheek, before going back to my bedroom. I could feel her eyes on me until I shut the door.

I got in bed grinning like the cheshire cat, and my heart was still beating faster than I'd felt before.

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