Chapter Forty Four

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"I'm assuming you and Alex are all good now," Ellie said while the two of us were eating breakfast.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I'm just an idiot."

"Yeah, well the reason I bring it up is... Well... Wow this awkward. Not, however, as awkward as watching a movie with my little sister and having to pretend we couldn't hear all your shenanigans last night."

I felt my face turn beetroot red, and avoided eye contact with my best friend.

"Ellie, I'm sorry," I laughed, "We'll try and be quieter."

"No, Jay, that's not why I'm mentioning it. I was wondering if you wanted me and Rach to find somewhere else to live so you guys can have some privacy?" Ellie asked, and I felt a wave of sadness rush over me.

"No, that's the last thing I want. Unless... Is that what you want?" I looked at her, and she smiled slightly.

"Jamie, I would love to live with you forever. It's just, you and Alex is what's happening right now. I just don't want to get in the way of it."

"Please don't leave me," I said dramatically, and pouted.

"I would never!" She replied, just as dramatically, and hugged me while fake crying.

"What's going on?" Alex asked, concerned, as she walked into the kitchen.

"Nothing," Ellie laughed as she stood up.

"Ellie wants to move out because you and Jamie are too loud when you have sex." Rachel said bluntly, appearing from behind Alex.

Alex looked horrified by the comment, and my face turned red again.

"Morning Rach," I said, embarrassed. "How did you-"

"I was in the living room, didn't mean to hear everything but it was too funny not to listen." she interrupted, grinning.

"Okay, umm... Well, I don't really know how to-" Alex started, but was cut off by Rachel.

"Don't worry, they talked it out. Ellie's not going anywhere, you and Jay will be quieter, blah blah blah."

"Maybe we could just soundproof your room!" Ellie laughed.

"Oh my god," I whispered, and grabbed Alex's hand, pulling her upstairs.

"Do we need earplugs?" Rachel yelled after us.

"I am so sorry for my idiot friend and her mini me," I started, but Alex just laughed.

"You know they're my friends too now, right?" she asked and I smiled, "Which means you don't need to apologise. And it really wasn't that bad."

"It was so fucking awkward!" I retaliated.

"So let's do something stupid to annoy them," she laughed, and I was intrigued.

We both got dressed and told Ellie and Rachel we were going shopping. They were both going to visit their parents and wouldn't be back until late.


Alex and I were stood in the store waiting to see the final products and I was amazed at my girlfriend's creativity.

After wasting an hour in a café across the street, it was ready. The cashier handed me two large canvasses first. One had a picture of Rachel wearing a traffic cone on her head, from when she was drunk at my wedding. She always hated the photo, and I finally had a reason for keeping it for so long.
The other canvas was the photo of Ellie in the bath from the morning after we went to Rico's with Alex. Just to make sure the photos were used to their full potential, we had them printed onto shower curtains and bedding sets too. It would be a great surprise for when they got back from the parents. Especially as their boyfriends would be joining us for dinner tonight.

"This is perfect," I laughed as we carried everything back to my car.

"No, you're perfect," Alex said, putting the canvasses into the boot, then taking the rest of the items from me. She took my hands, and pulled me into a soft kiss.

It seemed like the perfect time to tell her I love her, but I couldn't. The crippling fear of her not saying it back to me took over, so I just smiled at her sweetly.

"Let's go piss off Ellie and Rach," I said, and opened the passenger side door for Alex. She gave me another quick kiss, then got into the car, pulling her door shut. I shut the boot before walking round to the driver's side.

Before I managed to open the door, I heard a loud car horn beep a few times. I turned to see a big black vehicle speeding towards me.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The car was already close, I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time. My heart was racing, and I could hear it pounding in my ears. In fact, it was all that I could hear. I squeezed my eyes shut tight as the vehicle got to me.

Then came the pain. I'm not sure whether I went under the car or over it, but it felt like my whole body was on fire. But it also felt like I had been submerged in ice. Whether it was cold or hot, it was unbearable. I couldn't move, or speak, or even open my eyes. My only thought was that I should have told Alex I love her.

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