Chapter Twenty Eight

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"So you just wanna be friends, huh?" Alex teased, and offered me her hand.

She helped me climb out of the pond, and led me to the meadow, where we sat in the grass.

"Yeah okay, I'm a dumbass," I said, and she laughed.

"You're not," she said, looking into my eyes. "I know this if weird for you."

"It's not weird for me," I argued.

"Okay, but I'm guessing you've not been with many girls?"

"None, actually," I laughed, and she raised an eyebrow at me. She pulled her t-shirt off over her head, and squeezed it to get some of the water out of it. My eyes wandered down her body. Her boobs were quite small, but they managed to catch my attention. Her stomach was more muscular than I would have imagined, but not so much that it was off putting.

"So I'm the first girl that you've ever kissed?" Her words surprised me as I was too busy staring at her amazing body. I snapped my eyes back up to hers, and gave her an awkward smile. Her face reddened slightly because she had seen me looking at her.

"You're the first girl I've ever wanted to kiss," I said honestly, and she smiled.

"Then, I definitely understand why you're confused," she laughed, and I frowned.

"I'm not confused Alex, not now at least," I said, and she waited for me to continue. "I think I was confused, but not about liking you. That was kind of clear anyway. I was just confused about what to do about it."

"But now you're not?" she asked.

Instead of answering her, I leaned close to her, and kissed her softly on the cheek. I pulled back only slightly, and she brought her lips to mine. My insides felt like they were on fire as she took my bottom lip between hers.

She took my face in her hands, then slowly moved them down to my neck. Her fingers moved so delicately along my skin, and gave me goosebumps. My breathing got heavier by the second.

My tongue slid slowly against hers, as her hands kept moving down my body. When they reached my waist, her fingers gently pulled the hem of my top up. I tensed slightly, and she noticed as she pulled her lips away from mine.

"I just thought it would dry quicker if you weren't wearing it," she said, pouting slightly.

I smiled at her terrible excuse for trying to undress me. She gave me a quick kiss, and then lay back in the grass. I took another look at her body. I wished that I could be as confident as her. I knew I was in good shape, but I had no self confidence whatsoever.

I lay on my stomach next to Alex, and looked at her some more. She smiled when she saw me, but didn't move for a while. The sun was really hot on us, and it was so relaxing to just lie there together and do nothing.


Ellie wasn't home when we got there, she must have been having a good time with Mark. Alex and I decided to watch another movie together. Unfortunately, she chose the movie, and she wasn't aware of my irrational aversion to horror films.

"Stop being such a baby!" Alex laughed, trying to pull the cushion I was holding in front of my face from me.

"Something's gonna make me jump, and I don't need you to hear me scream," I said.

"Why, is it too early for that?"

I held back a laugh, and pulled the cushion to my face again, to hide my red face.

"I'm sorry," she said, laughing, and taking my hand.

I pulled her close to me and kissed her. I was so embarrassed by her reference to sex. This was a whole new thing for me, it was terrifying to think about having sex with Alex for the first time. Alex had probably been with so many different girls, I wouldn't be able to measure up to any of them because I never slept with a girl before. The thought played on my mind, but only for a few seconds, as Alex bit my lip softly, pulling me back into reality.

Shortly after we finished making out and I was hiding behind my cushion again, Ellie walked through the front door. It was almost eleven, so I was surprised that she had even come home.

Alex and I had moved apart slightly when she came in. We both decided not to mention anything to her yet, as we didn't know what was really happening ourselves yet.

"Are you really making her watch a horror film?" Ellie asked Alex, as she sat in between us.

"Well, I was trying to, but she keeps hiding behind a pillow," she laughed, and Ellie gave me a disappointed look.

She took the cushion from me, threw it on the floor, and turned the TV up.

"Okay, it's bedtime I think. Goodnight girls," I said and stood up to go to bed. I heard them both laughing as I walked up the stairs. I was happy to go to bed because I was really tired. I just wished I could have kissed Alex once more before I went to sleep.

I didn't manage to sleep before I heard Ellie and Alex coming upstairs, talking about the movie. I tried to fall asleep, but I just kept thinking about Alex.

A few minutes passed before I heard my door handle move. I looked toward the door, to see a silhouette of Alex, tiptoeing into my room.

I moved to lie on my back, when I felt the bed move. I turned on the lamp on the bedside table, so I could see her beautiful face hovering above mine.

Her lips met mine quickly, and I immediately slid my tongue along her bottom lip. I was so turned on by the kiss, and my mind flicked back to when I watched lesbian porn. But now I didn't want to touch myself, I wanted Alex to touch me.

"Goodnight beautiful," she whispered, and kissed me one more time before quietly leaving my room.

After that, I fell asleep quickly.

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