Chapter Thirteen

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"Hey Alex, didn't know you were coming tonight." The tall, bald bouncer said as we got to the door of the club.

"Neither did I," she laughed, "Tony, this is Jamie and Ellie, they're my new bosses."

"Nice to meet you ladies." He said to Ellie and I, before turning back to Alex, "Go on in, I'll let Rico know you're here."

I smiled politely as I walked past him and into the club. It was busier than you would expect on a Monday night, but not so busy that it was uncomfortable. Alex led us to a booth in the VIP section, and Ellie got all excited.

"I feel like a celebrity," she whispered to me, and I laughed.

A bartender came over to take our drink orders, and returned only seconds later with the drinks.

"This place is nice," I said, and Ellie agreed.

"Yeah, I come here most weekends, I've never been on a weekday before, but it's quite relaxing in here tonight." Alex replied. She was right, the music wasn't so loud that I couldn't hear her, and it seemed quite high class. I felt underdressed as I sipped on my martini.

"Alex! What are you doing here? And who are your friends?" A muscular man appeared from the steps in front of the booth. He was wearing a black suit, and his blonde hair was slicked back with gel. I guessed this was the owner of the club. Alex stood up, and kissed him on the cheek, and he returned the favour.

"Hey Rico, it's good to see you. This is Jamie, and this is Ellie."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," he said, giving us both warm smiles. "I've got some things to take care of right now but I'll catch up with you girls later, drinks are on the house."

"Thank you!" Ellie and I both said, as he walked away.

"Alex, please tell me he's single," Ellie said, staring after him.

"He is, but I wouldn't go there," she laughed, "he's got quite a reputation with the ladies."

"I don't have a problem with that!"

We spent a while talking about work before the alcohol kicked in and Ellie got down to the important, and down right inappropriate questions.

"So, are you a drug dealer?"

I spat my drink out, and shot Ellie an annoyed look. Thankfully, Alex just laughed.

"No, no. I'm definitely not a drug dealer," she replied, "why?"

"Well, when your dad pitched the whole apprenticeship idea to us, he made out like you were a deeply troubled girl who needed some kind of rehabilitation. And from what I can see, he was very wrong. But drug dealers don't always look like drug dealers, so I guessed that might have been plausible." she explained.

"Ellie!" I shouted, still annoyed at her for getting so personal.

"It's okay Jamie, really," Alex assured me. "Okay so basically, he does think I need rehabilitating, but not for drugs or anything like that. The thing is, I'm gay. And my dad is very... Well, he's very against me being gay."

Everyone fell silent for a moment. I couldn't understand why Alex's sexuality bothered Damien so much, he really did make her out to be a drug dealer, or something of a similar nature.

"Wow, this is awkward," Alex said, breaking the silence.

"No, it's not. Sorry," I said, worried that we had offended her, "I'm just surprised that's the issue."

"Yeah, my dad's very traditional in that sense. I'm his only child, and I could do no wrong, until I told him I had a girlfriend, and I became the devil," she laughed, but I could see the pain in her eyes.

"What a dick!" Ellie interjected.

"Ellie!" I shouted, agreeing with her completely, but remembering he iwas our boss, and we were talking to his daughter.

"It's fine, he is a dick sometimes. He's an amazing dad, but I just wish he would see that I didn't choose this, and that I'm still the same person." Alex said.

"I'm sorry he's been like that with you Alex," I said sincerely, and she smiled.

"Thanks. It's not gonna change any time soon, but I'm hoping that this apprenticeship will get me back in his good books."

"Champagne, ladies?" Rico joined us again at the table, sitting next to Ellie who was drooling again.

We all drank, and kept away from the sore subject of Alex's sexuality for the rest of the night.

By midnight, Ellie was sitting on Rico's lap and had agreed to go home with him, so Alex and I left them to it.

"Do you live far from here?" I asked her, while I was waiting for my taxi.

"Just around the corner," she replied, "thank you for everything Jamie, I really appreciate the training... And the drinking."

"The drinking was all Ellie," I laughed, "but it's no problem. I'll see you tomorrow."

She waved goodbye to me as I got into my taxi and began to walk away from the club.

I thought about Alex a lot when I was home. I felt so sorry for how her dad had treated her. I never understood how a parent would even be phased by their child's sexuality. It's not a choice, and it shouldn't matter anyway, as long as they're happy.

Honestly, I was slightly relieved she wasn't a drug dealer though.

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