Chapter Forty Eight

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After we left Adam's, we went to our house to meet with the security company the police had put us in touch with. Alex insisted that we get it sorted as soon as possible, and I agreed because, after three weeks in the hospital, and having to stay in a hotel, I just wanted to sleep in my own bed.

Ellie and Rachel went to make some lunch for us all, while Alex and I spoke with the rep from the security company. Mark had gone to pick up Rachel's boyfriend, Brad, from the train station. I was looking forward to meeting him, Rach was smitten with him, and Ellie and Mark seemed to like him.

The security guy didn't take up much of our time, he mapped everything out on his tablet. We would have gates put on the front of the property, cameras all over the place, and more secure doors on the front and back of the house with a built in alarm system. There will be cameras inside the house, but only on the ground floor, and I will be able to access everything with my phone.

When we had finished, Alex was happy with everything, so I paid the man and sent him on his way. He guaranteed that it would all be ready within 3 days, which was a lot faster than I had expected.

Alex and I went into the house to join Ellie and Rach. They had made a large pasta bake, and some garlic bread. The doorbell rang as Ellie was taking the food out of the oven. Rachel ran to answer the door, excited to see her boyfriend.

"Brad, this is Jamie, and that's Alex," she said as she walked back into the kitchen.

I was surprised by Brads appearance, he was nothing like any of her previous boyfriends that I had known. He looked about the same age as Rachel, but was over a foot taller than her, and he was very slim. Rachel normally went for more muscly guys.

"Hi Brad, it's lovely to finally meet you," I said, smiling, "are you hungry?"

"Starving," he answered, and I gestured for him to sit at the table. Rachel sat next to him, after carrying the garlic bread over to the table.

We all ate, and talked while we ate. Brad was very talkative, and very sweet. I could see how much he loved Rach by how he looked at her, and I was so happy for her.

Even though somebody tried to kill me a few weeks ago, I was really happy. Ellie and Rachel were both happy with their boyfriends, and I couldn't have been happier with Alex. It didn't matter what was going on around us. At that moment, everything was right, and I wouldn't have changed it if I could.


"How are your ribs?" Alex asked, when we were back at the hotel. I had just got out of the shower and was looking through the TV guide for something to watch.

"Better than they were this morning, worse than before I got hit by a car," I joked.

Alex rolled her eyes at me, then took the TV remote from me, and put it on the bedside table. She positioned her legs either side of my waist, straddling me, and my eyes locked with hers.

"I really love you, you know," she said softly, and my heart raced.

I sat up, and put my hands on either side of her face, pulling her lips to mine. I kissed her slowly, and she ran her tongue along my bottom lip. I parted my lips and let my tongue slide against hers, then pulled away for a second.

"I love you too," I whispered, then moved back in to kiss her.

I gently bit down on her bottom lip, hoping that she wasn't still worried about hurting me. I wanted her so badly that I would have happily broken two more ribs to have her.

She slowly pushed me back down on the bed, then sat back up. I thought she wanted to stop, but she started to unbutton my pyjama shirt. I bit my lip and stared at her as she started to reveal my bare chest. She pulled me back up for a second and pulled my shirt off, then lay me back down again.

My breathing grew fast as Alex started to kiss my neck. She left small kisses down to my boobs, her tongue circled one of my nipples, sending a shiver down my spine and making me moan quietly. Then she moved down my stomach, and I tensed as she kissed over a bruise on my rib cage, and she shot up into a sitting position, looking horrified that she might have hurt me.

"Please don't stop," I whispered, and she slowly got back to where she was, just being a little more cautious of where she kissed me.

Alex stood from the bed just for a second, to pull of my pyjama shorts, then began to kiss the bottom of my stomach again. She gently pushed my legs apart, and I felt her warm, wet tongue slide down my groin to the inside of my thigh. I let out a high pitched moan, and my legs shook involuntarily. She ran her tongue all the way up my pussy.

"God, I've missed this," she whispered, before she brought her tongue back to my clit.

She slid two fingers inside of me with ease, and began moving them quickly against my g-spot. Her tongue was still swirling around my pussy. I brought my hands up to my boobs, and started to play with them. Alex looked up, while still licking my clit, and saw me playing with my nipples. She seemed to like what she saw, and started to suck my clit hard, her fingers moving quicker inside me. I climaxed almost immediately, moaning loudly, as Alex kept sucking.

I pulled Alex up the bed, and kissed her, tasting myself on her tongue. I pulled her t-shirt over her head, took her panties off, and unfastened her bra. I rolled over so that I was on top of her, but was forced back onto my back by the pain in my ribs.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked, worried. I didn't answer her, I just turned back to meet her lips again.

"Babe, you can't-" she started, but I interrupted her with four words I never thought I would say.

"Sit on my face."

She didn't argue. She positioned herself so that her pussy was hovering just slightly above my face. She was facing the bottom of the bed, so I was able to reach up to massage her boobs while I licked her pussy. She was so wet that my tongue was sliding all over with ease.

I felt Alex's fingers rubbing my clit slowly, and I moaned against her core, before sucking softly on her clit. Her moans got louder and louder, and I hooked my arm that wasn't in a cast, around the top of her thigh, and pulled her closer to me, when she came.

I hadn't tasted Alex's pussy for weeks and I didn't want to stop yet. I kept licking, and sucking softly while she moaned, until she asked me to stop.

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