Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Oh my god, this place is amazing!" Alex grinned as she jumped onto the king sized bed in our hotel room. It was late so we had decided to start being typical tourists in the morning.

"I know!" I replied, lying next to her. I turned to face her, and looked into her beautiful green eyes.

"What?" she asked, seeing a timid smile creep onto my face.

"I want to kiss you," I said, and she smiled lightly and brought her lips to mine.

I pulled away from her slightly, and ran my thumb over her lips. "Not here."

Her smile disappeared, and her breathing became heavy. She ran her tongue quickly over her bottom lip, and I moved to sit on top of her. Her eyes didn't leave mine as  I started to unbutton her shirt.

I pulled her up into a sitting position while I was still straddling her, and took off her shirt. I kissed her neck softly as I unfastened her bra, and she slipped it off quickly. I was so eager to taste her.

She pulled my t-shirt over my head and took off my bra before I lay her back down. She started to unbutton my jeans, but I moved down the bed slightly so I could leave a trail of kisses down her collar bone and to her breasts. I could feel her uneven breaths as I took her nipple in my mouth. My tongue ran around it in a circular motion and she tensed beneath me, letting out a quiet moan.

I moved down the bed again, kissing her stomach while my hands focused on taking off her trousers and panties. I was so nervous that I could feel myself shaking, but I was so excited. This was all new to me, but I was ready.

Alex was letting out small moans and groans while my lips and hands were exploring her perfect body. I didn't want to rush this moment, I wanted Alex to enjoy it as much as I had enjoyed the last time we were intimate. And thankfully, there was no chance of Ellie interrupting us.

I pushed Alex's legs apart slightly as I kissed the bottom of her abdomen. I felt her legs shake slightly. I smiled, and kissed her thigh. I thought about how she teased me when she went down on me, and I followed suit. I ran my tongue slowly along the inside of her thigh, and heard her whimper quietly. I looked up to see she was biting her lip, and I could feel how wet I was. I wondered if she was too.

I ran my index finger along the inside of her pussy, and my breath hitched in my throat as it slid easily up to her clit. She moaned louder this time. She was so wet. I continued to move my finger around slowly, then slowly pushed it inside of her.

Alex caught my eye as she brought both of her hands to her boobs and started to play with them. That got me even more turned on, and I immediately moved my mouth to her pussy.

"Fuck!" she whispered in a sexy voice, as I ran my tongue slowly up to her clit. I put another finger inside her, and pushed against her g-spot.

My tongue still moved slowly all around her core. I was amazed by how good she tasted and wanted to take my time. I felt her arch her back slightly, and looked up to see she was playing with her nipples.

I kept taking in her taste, and listening to the sexy noises she was making. I could tell she was nearing her climax. I took my fingers out from inside of her and sucked gently on her clit, teasing her.

Hearing her moan my name was better than any music I had ever heard.

I sucked harder, listening to her breathing increase. The moans were getting more high pitched, and I knew I was about to send her over the edge. I stopped sucking, and licked playfully around her clit again.

"Please, baby!" Alex begged, and I smiled. I kept running my tongue over her clit quickly, causing fast and desperate moans from her. "Jay, I'm so close."

"I know," I whispered, and sucked hard on her clit. She orgasmed within seconds, and moaned so loud.

I was still sucking on her clit while she climaxed. She was writhing about under my touch and I felt so aroused by the way I could make her whole body jerk.

A little while longer, Alex's hands reached down to my face and pulled me gently away from her pussy. I knew she was torn between wanting me to continue, and needed me to stop.

I crawled up the bed to kiss her lips. Her tongue moved aggressively against mine, until she pulled away to bite my neck.

It wasn't Alex's usual biting, it was rough. I moaned as she dragged her teeth across my skin. She kept biting as she moved down my body. She was careful not to be so rough when she took my nipple between her teeth. I was shocked by how good having my nipple bitten felt. Though I'm sure, Alex could make anything feel good.

This time, she didn't tease me. She pulled off my jeans and panties quicker than I knew was possible, and started to eat my pussy straight away. She was still being rough with me, sucking really hard on my clit, and her fingers were moving fast inside me. I didn't know why this time was different, but I didn't need to question it because it was fucking amazing.

Alex sucked hard on my clit as I climaxed, and I moaned loudly. She bit the inside of my thigh while her fingers were still busy inside of me. She ran her tongue around all of my pussy slowly while I came down from the high of my orgasm, then sucked hard on my clit again until I came a second time.

"You're amazing," Alex said, after she crawled back up to lie next to me. I was still out of breath, and couldn't muster up any words, so I just pulled her lips to mine.

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