Chapter Sixty Three

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"Jamie, I'm glad you're here," Damien said.

I smiled awkwardly, and looked at Alex, hoping she would say something, as I had no idea what to say to him.

"Yeah... Alex asked me to, so..." I trailed off, trying to prompt someone else to speak.

"I just wanted to apologise to both of you," he said, which surprised me. "I should never have treated you that way... Either of you."

"No, you shouldn't have," Alex replied, and I tried to hide a smile.

"I've been a shit father, and a shit person in general. But I'm hoping you can forgive me, and give me a chance to set things right now."

"Does that mean you're finally gonna accept the fact that I'm gay?" She asked. I watched Damien's face change as he thought about how to answer.

"Alex, you're alive. You're happy. That's all that matters now. When I saw that video feed, my heart stopped. She could've killed you," His voice was shaking slightly, and I could see tears forming in his eyes. "I'm so sorry. And Jamie, I'm so sorry for everything. And I'm so grateful for what you did. I can't imagine how you're feeling, but you saved Alex's life, and I'll never be able to repay you for that."

"You don't need to repay me Damien. I'd do it a thousand times over if I had to. I love Alex more than I can even try to explain, I just wish you had understood that before," I said. Alex took my hand in hers and rubbed her thumb along my knuckle.

"I understand why you thought it was me," he said. Alex shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"There was alot of people we suspected, but you were at the top of the list," she replied.

"I would never hurt you, Alex."

"You have hurt me, though. More times than I can count. I know you'd never hurt me, physically. But what you've done over the years is so much worse."

I put my arm around Alex, as she started to cry. I didn't want to take her away, because it seemed like it was good for them to talk this out. I guessed she'd never talked about her feelings much with him. Damien was crying too.

"I'm so sorry," he cried. "I know I can't go back in time, but if I could, I would. All I can do now, is hope that you'll give me another chance. I've been so stupid. I should never have cared who you wanted to be with. Your happiness is all that matters, it always has been, I just couldn't see it."

Alex wiped her eyes on her sleeve, before looking back at her father and smiling slightly.

"I have been waiting for you to say something like that, for a very long time," she said, and tears filled Damien's eyes again. "I want a real relationship with my dad. One where I don't need to hide who I am."

Damien stood up, and walked towards us. Alex stood up too, and hugged him tightly. I was relieved that it was going so well, after my past experiences with him.

The emotional moment, was interrupted by Buster, who wanted to get in on the hug, and nearly knocked them both over. They both laughed and sat back down.

"There's something else I wanted to talk to you about," Damien said.


"I want you to take over Ryles' Media."

My eyes widened. I turned to look at Alex, who was frowning.

"Why?" She asked.

"I've worked on this company for twenty two years, and I've missed out on so much time with you. All the long days, the business trips, the meetings, it all seems pointless. I thought that, maybe, if you take over, we could spend more time together. I could teach you all about the business, and we could do it together, until you're ready to take over."

"Dad... I don't know if- I'm not sure what to say," she replied, soundibg genuinely confused.

"You don't need to tell me right now, Alex. Just think about it. If not now, it's always gonna be an option," he responded.

"Okay. I'll think about it," Alex promised. "I think we're gonna go home now."

I was relieved to hear she wanted to leave. As nice as it was to see Alex and Damien make up, I still felt uncomfortable being around him. I guessed that I'd get used to it, eventually.

"Okay. Can I meet you two for lunch one day this week?" he asked, looking at me.

"Umm.. Yeah, we will arrange something," I answered awkwardly.

Damien smiled at me, then hugged Alex again before we left.

"I'm glad you and your dad are on better terms," I said, as Alex was driving home.

"Yeah, me too. It feels strange though. I've never taken a girlfriend to his house before. It seems like he's really trying to fix things."

"Yeah, maybe it's a good thing we were kidnapped, and almost killed," I joked. Alex laughed, and slapped my leg playfully.

"What do you want to do when we get home?" she asked.

"It depends if there's still a house full of people..."

Alex's eyes met mine briefly, and the corner of her mouth curled slightly.

"What are you thinking?" she asked quietly, biting her lip slightly.

"Well, if nobody's home..." I started, putting my hand on her thigh. "We could have a long nap, and nobody would wake us up."

She rolled her eyes, and I laughed.

"Take a nap then," she replied, "I'll sort myself out."

My jaw dropped, and she grinned mischievously.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen."

"Oh, I know," she laughed.

It felt like a lifetime had passed since Alex and I had had sex, and I was turned on by the thought of it. I didn't care if there was a house full of people, I needed to have her. All of her.

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