Chapter Fifty One

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After hours of idle chit chat with a bunch of people I didn't really know too well, a few of the guests started to leave. The models all had another party to go to. A better party, I assumed. As much as I appreciated the thought behind the party, I just wanted everybody to leave. Alex spent the entire party staring at me from a distance, and I just wanted to close the distance.

"Why aren't you drunk yet?" Miranda asked, joining me at the kitchen table.

"I can't drink right now, Miranda. I'm taking a lot of pain killers still," I explained.

"Well, maybe this wasn't such a good idea, then."

"No, it's great, really," I said, smiling.

"You don't need to lie to me, sweetie. I know you just want to spend some time with Alex," she replied, and I laughed.

"I'm sorry you saw us making out earlier. We weren't expecting visitors."

"Yes, well I could see that," she laughed. "But you don't need to apologise, I've never seen Alex so happy."

I smiled, and looked over at Alex, who was stood with Ellie, laughing about something. She was so perfect, and I was so lucky to have her.

"I really love her, Miranda. She makes me so happy."

"I know you do. I think you two are perfect together. And you shouldn't worry about what her father, or anyone else thinks. If you two are happy, that's all that matters," she said, and I smiled.

"Have you seen him?" I asked, "Does he ask about her?"

"I've seen him once since Alex moved out, about a month ago. He's still bitter about everything. We didn't talk for long, but I think he regrets how he handled everything. I think he wants her to go home, but he's scared she won't want to see him," Miranda told me.

"She hasn't really spoke about it since it happened. I don't really blame her for not wanting to see him though. He shouldn't have done what he did."

"Sometimes, parents will do ridiculous things, if they think they're doing what's best for their children."

I felt the colour fade from my face as Miranda spoke. I hadn't considered it before, and I couldn't understand why.

We all assumed that the person threatening us wanted to split us up, so that they could be with Alex. What if they just wanted to split us up, because they didn't agree with our relationship. Damien paid Mona a ridiculous amount of money to get her away from Alex, it's possible that he would go to even greater lengths to get me out of the way.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Miranda asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine," I lied, "I'm gonna go find Alex."

"Okay, I'm gonna head home now, enjoy your night."

I kissed Miranda on the cheek, and said goodbye, before heading over to where Alex and Ellie were stood.

"Hey, beautiful," Alex said, and kissed me. I could tell she was pretty drunk, but this couldn't wait.

"I need to talk to you," I said, taking her hand, and leading her upstairs.

When we got to my room, Alex pushed me against the wall, and started to kiss my neck.

"Alex... I really need to talk to you," I said, suppressing a moan.

"We can talk later," she whispered, "there are more pressing matters right now."

"Alex... Please?"

She sighed, and sat down on the bed, waiting for me to talk.

"What do you want to talk about, that's more important than sex?"

I sat next to her on the bed, and thought about how I could word it.

"Umm... You know when you and Mona broke up... When your dad paid her off... Do you think he- how far do you think he would go, to stop you being with someone?"

"What?" she asked, frowning.

"Alex, what if he-"

"No, Jamie. Please tell me you're joking?" she said, standing up.

"I just think-" I started, but was interrupted again.

"You think my dad tried to kill you?"

"No. I don't know," I replied, "I just... I think we should at least consider-"

"Consider that my dad is potentially a murderer?!" Alex shouted. I stood up and took her hands, but she pulled away from me.

"Alex, please, just think about it," I begged.

"Jamie, I know he's not exactly father of the year, but he's not a fucking killer!"

"It makes more sense than anyone else!" I argued. We were both raising our voices now, and I was grateful for the loud music coming from downstairs.

"Why though, Jay? Why wouldn't he just try and pay you off, like he did with Mona?" she yelled.

"Maybe because he knows I've got money? Or maybe he realised that I'm actually in love with you, and no amount of money would keep me away from you?"

"So you think he'd just try to kill you instead?" She snapped.

"No, what if he was just trying to scare me off?" I suggested, talking more quietly, hoping she would calm down.

"You're being ridiculous! It's not him!"

"Just think about it, Alex. I don't want to argue with you, I just-"

"I don't need to think about it. My dad might be difficult, but he isn't a fucking psycho!"

I moved towards her, and tried to take her hands, but she pulled away from me again.

"Baby, please, I don't wanna fight with you," I said.

"Then, leave me alone," Alex said quietly, and turned towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked, but she didn't answer me. Tears threatened my eyes as I started to follow her down the stairs, and out the front door.

"Alex, please. Don't go," I begged, and grabbed her hand. She turned to face me. Her face was inches from mine, and I could see the tears in her eyes.

"Leave me alone, Jamie."

Her voice was so cold that it sent shivers down my spine. I watched her as she typed the code into the gate. The tears spilled from my eyes as she walked away from me.

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