Chapter Sixteen

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When we got back to the studio, Alex wanted to try editing on her own, so I set her up on Ellie's computer, and began to look through my own photos.

I realised I had taken alot of photos of Alex taking photos. I didn't want her to see as it may have looked creepy from her perspective. But they were great pictures. She looked so natural holding a camera. You could see how much she loved the place in the pictures, she looked at everything with such admiration.

I edited loads of photos, and deleted quite a few. Alex was very busy on the Ellie's computer.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"Come and see," she smiled.

I stood up and walked over to her to see her photos. They were really good. She had a couple of photos of me too, I hadn't noticed her taking them.

"And you were worried you wouldn't be able to pick up photoshop very easy." I said.

"You really like them?"

"Yeah they're great. You should print some for your portfolio." I suggested, and she started to print some. "The models are back in tomorrow so I might let you loose with them for a while again, if you want."

"Yeah, that sounds great," she replied.

"I'm back bitches!" Ellie burst into the room looking a lot more alive than she did in the morning. Alex and I laughed at her dramatic entrance.

"Why did you even bother to come? We finish in an hour," I pointed out.

"I know, I know. I came to see how your day was, and to suggest we go out again," she said hopefully.

"No!" I shouted, "The models are in tomorrow and you can't photograph them from the bathtub."

"I was in bed!" Ellie argued, and I showed her the picture I took on my phone. "Shit!"

"Jamie, I'm finished here now. Would it be okay for me to finish early? Mona wants to go out for dinner." Alex asked politely.

"Yeah, of course, go. Have a good night," I answered, and she smiled gratefully, before leaving.

"Is Mona her girlfriend?" Ellie asked me, after Alex had left.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Mona, the model, who was here yesterday?" I nodded in response, "Mona the model, who works for her homophobic father?"

"Yeah, he doesn't know," I said.

"That girl's just playing with fire... Anyway, Adam stopped by earlier, he wants to talk to you. He asked if you would go to the house," she informed me.

"Can you lock up? I'll go now." Ellie agreed that she would, she still needed to finish cleaning from last night, and wanted to photoshop some of her pictures from yesterday.


I knocked on the door to my old home, and waited for my soon to be ex-husband to let me in. It felt strange not just walking in.

"Jamie, hey. Come in." Adam said as he opened the door.

"Ellie said you wanted to talk to me, is everything okay?" I asked, wanting him to get straight to the point.

"Yeah, I just needed to see you," he said, "you look good Jay. I miss you."

"You wanted me to come here so you could tell me you miss me?"

"Not just for that," he said, and started to move in closer to me. My heart beat got faster, as I knew what was about to happen. He kissed me roughly, and I was surprised. For so long there had been no kind of spark between us, but right now was different. I let him take me upstairs and undress me.


"That was amazing Jay!" Adam panted. He was right, it was amazing, but I'm sure anything would have been after so long without sex.

"Yeah, where did that come from?" I asked genuinely.

"I don't know, when I saw you, I just knew I needed to have you."

"But Adam, we were married for two years and only had sex a handful of times, and now we're getting divorced, you want me?" He just laughed at my question, as if it was a joke. I got out of bed, and started to get dressed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Adam, what the fuck was this about? I had offered it on a plate to you almost every night for over a year, and you turned me down, every night. What changed?"

"It was for you, Jay," he said quietly.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Jamie, I messed up... Big time. Remember when I went down to my parents for the weekend, a few months after we got married?" I nodded in response, "Well, I slept with someone."

I couldn't answer him, I just stared at him and reminded myself of all the reasons murder is bad.

"It didn't mean anything, Jay. But a few months later, I got a phonecall from her doctor. She had HIV and I needed to be checked. But I was too scared so I waited, and just didn't have sex with you. But I got the results yesterday, and I'm clear." He said, and waited a while for me to respond.

"Don't contact me again Adam." I said calmly, and walked out of the house. I got in my car and drove back to the apartment to see Ellie's car wasn't there yet.

I was in the shower for over an hour, before Ellie got back. I needed to wash any essence of Adam off of me.

"Hey," I said, and smiled at Ellie, who was watching TV.

"So what happened with Adam?"

"Oh not much, we just had sex, and then he told me he cheated on me ages ago."

Elle turned off the TV and crossed her legs on the sofa, facing me. I told her everything that had happened.

"Now can I kill him?"

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