Chapter Thirty Five

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"Ellie... Talk to me, please," I begged. We had sat in silence for what felt like forever, and I couldn't take it any longer.

"I don't know what to say, Jay. I mean, are you two together?" She asked.

"Not exactly, no. It's new, and I don't really know what it is right now," I answered honestly.

"How new?"

"After Rico's opening," I said, and Ellie's eyes widened.

"A week, Jay? I've asked you loads of times if anything is going on with you, and you kept lying to me." She sounded hurt, which made me feel really guilty.

"I know, Ellie, I'm sorry. I just thought that you wouldn't understand, after what you said when I told you I kissed her the first time." I explained.

Ellie frowned at me, then rubbed her head with her hands, exhaling loudly.

"But that was- I don't know what that was. I thought you were just doing it because you were pissed at Adam. I didn't mean to- Is this real, Jamie? Do you really like her?" She asked, and I got butterflies just thinking about how much I liked Alex.

"I really like her, Ellie. Like, a lot," I replied.

"I'm not gonna lie, it's weird for me, and it's gonna take some adjusting but, if you like her, and she makes you happy, then I'm happy for you," she said, and I relaxed.

"Thank you Ellie, and I'm so sorry you had to find out like that. I was planning on talking to you tomorrow, I just wanted to get the party out of the way. But then Mona showed up, and when Alex sent her home, I just got carried away," I admitted, and my cheeks turned pink.

"Yeah I could see that, and I'm sorry about the Mona situation. I obviously wouldn't have invited her if I knew about you two," she laughed. "And judging by how you were kissing her, I'm guessing you've slept with her already?"

"Umm... Kind of..." I said, unsure how to answer it. I thought back to the other night, and I wasn't sure what was considered sleeping together when it was two girls. It was a new concept to me.

"What do you mean, kind of?" Ellie asked, confused.

"I mean I don't think I officially qualify as a lesbian yet."

"Okay, I changed my mind, I don't want to know," Ellie said, and I laughed.

Ellie moved closer to me and put her arms around me and I hugged her tight.

"I love you, Ellie," I said, and she pulled away from me.

"I love you too... But you mean as a friend, right?" she joked, raising one eyebrow.

"Yes, Ellie, as a friend."

"Are you sure? Cause you're gay now, and I look pretty hot tonight."

"I'm not gay," I argued, "Alex is the only girl I'm attracted to. Up to now, anyway."

"She's pretty special then, huh?" she asked in a more serious tone.

"I can feel myself falling for her, Ellie," I said shyly. "I've never felt like this before, she makes me so..."

"Horny?" Ellie asked, holding back a laugh.

"She makes me dizzy," I said, correcting her.


"Yeah, like it doesn't feel real. When I'm with her, my head is spinning, and I feel like it's a dream. But a really good dream that I don't wanna wake up from." I said, trying to put my feelings into words.

"So then, why are you sitting out here with me?" she asked, smiling.

"Because you're my best friend, and I needed to fix this mess," I responded.

Ellie looked at me gratefully for a minute, before raising one eyebrow questioningly.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go now..." I said, standing up. I kissed Ellie on the cheek before going back inside to find Alex.

As I walked through the masses of people gathered in my house, I got excited to see Alex, and a smile grew on my face.

"Jamie!" I heard Miranda's voice from behind me, and turned to speak to her.

"Hey Miranda, how are you?" I asked pleasantly, and she smiled.

"I'm very well thanks," she said, "I just wanted to let you know I'm heading home now."

"Oh, okay, I hope you've had a good night."

"I have, thank you for inviting me. I'm really looking forward to working with you all," she said kindly.

"Yeah, we're all really excited too," I smiled.

"Good... I also wanted to say thank you for taking care of Alex. She's had a rough time with her parents, and I'm so happy that she met you... And Ellie of course."

Her words made me blush. I wasn't sure if Alex had told her about us or if she was just referring to me getting her away from her dad, but either way it was nice to hear it from Miranda.

"I'm really happy that I met her too," I said shyly. "But anyway, I'll let you go, and we'll see you next week."

"Yes, enjoy the rest of your night. And tell Alex I said goodbye too." She said, as she walked to the front door.

"I will," I promised.

After Miranda left, I went straight upstairs to find Alex. I wanted to tell her about my conversations with Ellie and Miranda, and I really wanted to kiss her.

When I got to her room, I was surprised that she wasn't there, so I checked in my room.

Alex was fast asleep on my bed. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt, and pyjama shorts, and she was curled up on my side of the bed. It was still early, but I didn't care about going back to the party, and Alex looked far too adorable for me to go anyway, so I changed into some pyjamas and got in bed with her.

I kissed her softly on the cheek, and pulled her close to me by the waist. She let out a cute little sigh, and snuggled into me. This was the happiest I had been in a long time.

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