Chapter Ten

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The following morning I was woken by Ellie screaming. I got out of bed quickly and ran to the living room where I could hear she was. It was difficult for me, as the room was spinning really fast and my feet seemed to have a mind of their own.

"Ellie? What's wrong?" I asked as she came into my line of sight. She was standing by the dining table with her back to me.

"Nothings wrong Jay!" she shouted as she turned to face me, with one of Adam's contracts in her hand. "Two fucking million."

"I know," I said, trying to stay calm with a massive grin on my face.

"You're gonna be a fucking millionaire at the age of twenty five!" she jumped happily towards me and hugged me.

"I know, Ellie. Let's get these signed and sent off, so I can be rich," I laughed.

I signed all the papers and Ellie carefully checked over them to make sure Adam wasn't tricking me into anything weird. Everything was legit, so we sent off the papers.

"So, what are you gonna do with it?"

"I don't know yet," I answered Ellie's question honestly. There was so many things I could do, but I was so used to my boring, repetitive lifestyle that everything seemed so overwhelming.

"Well, if you need any help spending it, just let me know," she winked at me.

"I think I should buy a new house first, we're a little cramped in here, aren't we?"

"Oh," Ellie's face dropped, "I guess that makes sense. But, I like being cramped up with you, reminds me of college."

I smiled and shook my head at her, "Ellie, do you really think you can get rid of me that easily? I love living with you, I was just suggesting that we do it somewhere bigger, and somewhere that I own so we don't need to pay rent."

"Really?" she beamed at me.

"Of course dumbass!"

"Okay, okay. I'm so happy you're my best friend... Mainly because you're loaded now." I kicked her playfully in the leg, and went back into my room to get dressed.

When I came back to the living room, Ellie was dressed too, and we had decided to go down to the studio to get some of our pictures printed to go on the walls. We didn't usually work Saturdays, but we were both in such a good mood today.

"So, are you excited to meet your apprentice on Monday?" Ellie had teased me alot about agreeing to take on Damien's daughter because I'd be stuck with an angry teenager for about a year.

"I can't wait," I smiled, "while you're arguing with some diva about which side is her good side, I'll be showing some kid how to use a camera. Seems like you got the short straw to me?"

"Hmm... We'll see how long you think that for" she laughed.

We spent a couple of hours getting some photos from events put up on the studio walls, and then got carried away looking at houses online.

"That's the one." I said after viewing several adverts on an estate agents website. It was a four bedroom detached house. I didn't need four bedrooms but was more than happy to get creative with the spare rooms. The garden had caught my eye before the house itself.

There was so much land surrounding the house. A beautiful lawn all around the building, with a cobblestone path leading from the drive to the front door, and another one leading around to the back of the house. In the back of the property, there were hundreds of flowers in flower beds around the garden. There was a small pond towards the back of the garden, and a large willow tree in the middle. It was perfect.

"You want to set up a viewing?" Ellie asked. I nodded, and called the number on the website. They arranged for us to view it the following day, and Ellie and I were both excited.

I called Adam to let him know I had sent off the divorce papers and had his contract ready to give back to him. He told me to bring it to the house and he would have the cheque ready.

Ellie and I went to the bank to deposit the cheque immediately after meeting Adam.

"This is a large deposit, we need to ask a few questions about where it's coming from," the aged cashier said, looking over her glasses at me suspiciously.

"It's coming from my soon to be ex-husband, I have all of the legal documents here." I handed her all the papers I had with me, and she looked surprised. I guessed that she thought I looked too young to be getting divorced, or to be a millionaire.

"Very well, we'll get that processed for you now," she scanned the cheque through a small machine, and typed some details into her computer, before stamping the cheque and handing me a receipt. "The money should be in your account by Friday. Have a nice day."

"Thanks," I said, while walking away and grinning at Ellie.


The next day, Ellie and I viewed the house, and we were both so in love with it that I made an offer, which was accepted immediately. I had arranged to go into the estate agents office on Friday to make the payment.

I was exhausted from all the excitement of the weekend, so when Ellie and I got home, I went straight to bed. My early night would hopefully prepare me for my first day working with Mr Ryles' models, and my first day babysitting his delinquent daughter.

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