Chapter Thirty

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When we got home, Ellie got ready to go and meet Mark again. I was surprised by how much she was seeing him as she normally played it cool for a while when starting a new relationship. I was, however, quite happy that I'd get some more time alone with Alex.

After we said goodbye to Ellie, we opened a bottle of wine, and watched another movie. Alex let me choose after my reaction to her last choice. I decided on The Da Vinci Code, as it was my all time favourite and Alex had never seen it.

"I wanted to ask you something," she said a few minutes of the movie starting.

"Okay," I replied nervously, waiting for her question.

"Who looked after you, you know, after your parents died?" she asked, and I was surprised that was what she wanted to know. I was grateful that she wanted to know more about me.

"I lived with my aunt and uncle for a few years, but when I was about twelve, they separated and he left. My aunt couldn't really cope with me and my two cousins on her own, and I ended up going to my grandparents until I went to college," I replied, becoming sad at the fact that I hadn't seen any of my family in over a year.

"It's good that they were there for you when you needed them. It must have been hard for you," she said. I turned the TV down slightly, as we clearly weren't going to watch much of the movie while having a conversation as deep as this. I crossed my legs on the sofa and turned to face her.

"It was kind of hard, but it got alot easier with time. I was pissed at my aunt for sending me away at first. But I know my younger cousin was a handful, and she had enough on her plate with my uncle leaving. It didn't take me too long to settle in with grandparents, because I had Ellie then."

"You and Ellie are more like sisters really," she said, and I smiled.

"Yeah, I guess we are," I agreed. "Is it my turn to ask you something now?"

"Go for it," she said happily.

"I know the situation with your dad is a bit shit, but I've never heard you talk about your mum. Is she in the picture?" I asked. Alex looked uneasy at my question.

"Umm, not really. She left when I was really young. I only have a few memories of her, I think I would have been about four when I last saw her. But she tried to contact me a few times over the past few years," she answered quietly.

"Why did she leave?"

"I'm not entirely sure. My dad said she had some mental health issues, and she couldn't take care of me, but a friend of the family let it slip once that she was mixed up in drugs. I'll probably never know the true story, because I have no intention of seeing her again."

Alex smiled at me, but I could tell it was fake. I could see the pain behind her eyes desperate to come out.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up," I said sincerely, and she put her hand on mine.

"Don't be. I'm glad you want to know about my life," she said reassuringly. "Okay my turn... What's your favourite colour?"

"Green," I answered, "like your eyes."

Alex's smile was very real now. But it didn't last for long, as she pulled me into a kiss. It was gentle at first, but it soon became heated when I pulled her closer to me with my hands behind her neck.

She kept moving towards me slowly, and eventually I was lying on the sofa, with Alex lying on top of me, wedged between my legs. Her teeth tugged my bottom lip delicately, which made my breathing speed up. She took this as a good sign, and slowly starting leaving a trail of kisses down my jaw line and onto my neck.

I let out a quiet moan, and Alex replaces the kisses on my neck with soft bites. I moaned again, I felt electricity shoot through my body as she nibbled roughly just above my collar bone. I ran my fingers through Alex's hair, while her hand focused on wandering up inside my t-shirt to my breasts.

She pulled my body up slightly so she could unfasten my bra, but left it on and moved her hands underneath it. My whole body trembled as her hand started to gently squeeze one of my boobs. Her fingers softly twisted my nipple, and I moaned louder this time. She pulled her face up to look at me, and brought her lips to mine again.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" She asked, and my heart was beating faster than I had ever experienced before.

"Okay," I said, and she stood up, pulling me with her.

She guided me upstairs, holding my hand, and I stared at her ass as we walked. My heart was still racing as I thought about what was about to happen. She pulled me into her room and shut the door behind us.

Alex kissed me roughly, while my back was against the wall. She placed her hands on my waist, and slowly pulled at the bottom of my t-shirt. This time I didn't flinch, and allowed her to pull it over my head. I pulled off my already unfastened bra, and then started to undo the buttons on Alex's shirt.

She smiled at me mischievously, and pulled the shirt over her head, and took off her bra in one swift movement, not wanting to wait. I laughed silently at her eagerness.

"You're so beautiful," she said, and pulled me over to her bed by both hands.

She lay me on my back and straddled me, kissing me quickly on my lips, before moving slightly down the bed. Her warm tongue circled my nipple slowly before she sucked it softly, while her hand focused on the other boob. I bit my lip to stifle a moan, and my hips involuntary pushed up from the bed, against her core.

Suddenly, Alex's hands travelled down to unbutton my shorts, and I was both terrified and excited. A million things were flying around in my mind, but I needed to stay focused. I didn't want to not remember any part of this.

My legs quivered as Alex pulled off my shorts. She left my panties on for now, which made me feel a little more comfortable. Her hands moved steadily around my hips, applying a slight amount of pressure in the most sensitive places, while her lips left little kisses on the inside of my thighs.

I felt Alex getting closer and closer to my core, and my insides screamed. Her hands moved down, and her fingers slipped into the waistband of my panties. She kissed the outside of my panties, making me inhale sharply, before she pulled them down and off my legs.

I was completely naked now. My heart was still racing, I could hear the blood pumping through my body, and I was quivering every time Alex touched any part of me. She ran one of her fingers along the inside of my thigh again, then to my pussy, where she pushed it gently inside me, and trailed it up to my clit.

"You're so wet," she whispered seductively, and I almost melted. My eyes met hers for a second, before she bit her lip, and moved her face down toward my core.

Her tongue soon replaced her finger as she quickly ran it over my clit. My body jerked as she teased me. I wanted her to apply more pressure, or go faster, or something. But I was too nervous to say anything to her, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to talk right now anyway, as remembering to breathe seemed like a difficult task at this moment.

My hands were gripping the bed sheets on either side of me, and my mouth was wide open and letting out constant, small moans. I felt Alex put a finger inside me, and moaned loudly when she moved it against my sweet spot. She added another finger and began to pump them fast, while her tongue still went to work on my clit.

"Oh my god," I groaned when Alex started to suck my clit. I could tell I was going to reach breaking point soon.

She sucked harder, and I pulled a pillow to my face to muffle the moan I let out when I climaxed. Alex kept licking my pussy after I came, making me moan constantly, and my body kept spasming in response. It felt amazing, and I didn't want her to stop, but I couldn't last for much longer, so I pushed the pillow away from me, and reached down to Alex's face.

I pulled her softly by the neck, and she moved back up to me, and kissed me. I could taste myself on her, which was surprisingly good.

I was really nervous about going down on Alex, but after what she just made me feel, I needed to return the favour. I moved my hands down to pull down Alex's panties, and she took my hands in hers.

"Not now, baby," she said, and my heart stopped at her calling me baby. "We've got plenty of time for that, we don't need to rush."

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