Chapter Thirty Three

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The next few days passed quickly. Alex and I didn't manage to be alone at all really, but most nights she came into my room after Ellie was asleep just to kiss me goodnight.

When Friday came around, I was ready for the party, and I was actually looking forward to telling Ellie and Alex. I toyed with the idea of telling her when she was drunk, but eventually decided against it. I didn't want to make a scene.

"Let's go shopping, I need to find a new dress," I said to Ellie while we were eating breakfast.

"I was hoping you'd say that," she replied, "I wanna look hot for when mark comes, especially now there's gonna be models here tonight."

We got ready quickly, and headed out to go shopping. Alex stayed home, as she already decided on what she would wear.

"What about this one?" Ellie said, stepping out of the fitting room for the twelfth time.

She was wearing a black sparkly dress that cut off just above the knee. She turned around and showed me that it was backless. It showed off her toned back.

"Yeah, that's the one," I said, and she grinned excitedly.

"Okay, okay... Your turn," she said, pointing at the fitting room next to her.

I had picked up three dresses which I liked, but I already knew which one I wanted. The blue dress hugged my hips, and stopped half way down my thighs. It was a little shorter than I was used to, but I was so excited for Alex to see me wearing it that I didn't care. The dress had thin straps, and didn't show too much cleavage.

For the first time in ages, I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I left the fitting room to show Ellie, and her jaw dropped.

"Fuck! And I was worried about Mark staring at the models!" she exclaimed, and I blushed.

"Is it too much?" I asked.

"No, honey, it's perfect."

I was happy she liked it, and went quickly back into the fitting room to change back into my jeans and shirt. We had four hours until the party, and I still had something to sort out before we got home.


After we finished shopping for the party, I started to drive towards home, but took a detour, earning me a questioning look from Ellie. I pulled up at a car dealership about ten minutes from home.

"What do you want?" I asked casually, as if I was buying lunch. Ellie frowned at my question, so I smiled, and waited for her to realise what was happening.

"You're buying me a car?" she asked slowly, and I nodded. "Why?"

"Because you're my best friend, and I won't want you to die in that death trap you normally drive," I laughed.

She squealed, and jumped out of the car. We looked around for about an hour before she decided what she wanted. She chose at Audi A6. She took another thirty minutes deciding on the colour and interior she wanted.

When she finished, I paid for the car, and arranged when we could collect it. Ellie hugged me while we were walking back to the car, and started to ramble on.

"I can't believe you just did that. You didn't have to you know, I mean, I can pay you back if you want. It might take me a while, but-"

"Ellie, shut up," I ordered, and she smiled at me gratefully.

"I love you," she said.

"I know."


Back at home, I went to take a shower, and passed Alex on the stairs. She bit her lip, and kissed me quickly, then shot down the stairs. My eyes followed her, as she walked in the kitchen to speak to Ellie. I tried to calm myself down as I got up to the shower.

By the time I had come out of the shower, it was time to start getting ready. I did my make up first, then my hair, and then I put on my new dress and heels. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I was happy. I couldn't wait for Alex to see me.

I got downstairs to see that Alex and Ellie were ready too. Alex was wearing tight black trousers, and a while blazer, which only had two buttons fastened on her stomach. She wasn't wearing a top or a bra underneath, and the blazer just covered most of her boobs. My eyes lingered on her chest for a second before I met her eyes.

"Holy shit!" She said when she saw me, and her eyes looked me up and down before locking with mine again.
Ellie gave her an awkward look before looking at me and smiling. I was happy to see Alex was wearing her glasses again, but I just wanted to take them off of her and take her hair down out if the messy bun she had.

I pushed the thought from my mind when the doorbell rang.

"That'll be Mark," Ellie said excitedly, and ran to the door.

"I really wanna bite your neck right now," I whispered into Alex's ear when Ellie was out of earshot.

"Do it," she dared me, in a low and sexy voice.

I felt myself getting wet, and wondered if Alex and I would be able to sneak away later, mid-party.

"Mark, this is Alex, and you already know Jamie," Ellie said, dragging Mark into the kitchen. He wore a black suit,  and looked very handsome. I smiled when I saw his hand in Ellie's.

"Nice to meet you Alex, and it's good to see you again Jamie," he said politely.

Ellie offered him a drink, and poured us all a glass of wine. The rest of the guests would be arriving any minute, so I had one more look around to make sure everything was ready. I kept catching glimpses of Alex staring at me, and I fought the urge to go and kiss her. It was only one more night, I would speak to Ellie tomorrow.

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