Chapter Thirty Seven

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After Ellie left with Mark, Alex and I sat on the sofa with cups of tea. I tried to hide the idiotic grin creeping up on my face, and thought that Alex was doing the same.

"I'm so happy that Ellie knows," she said, putting her tea down on the coffee table and taking mine from me.

"Me too, I just feel so relieved for telling her. I'm sorry it took me so long to do it, but I wasn't sure how she would react." I explained.

"Don't be sorry Jay, I understand. But now that she knows, we don't need to sneak around anymore... I get to fall asleep with you whenever I want, and we can go on dates, and-"

"And holidays..?" I interrupted.

"Umm... Sure, we can go on holidays," she laughed.

"Now?" I asked excitedly.

"What?" Alex frowned.

"Let's go away for the weekend. Or the week."

"You're crazy!" she laughed.

"Yes, crazy and rich, and in desperate need of a holiday," I said, grinning. Alex looked unsure for a minute, then rolled her eyes.

"Where do you wanna go?" she sighed, and my smile widened in response.

"Anywhere. You decide... Or just point somewhere random on a map," I suggested.

Alex opened up Google Maps on her phone and zoomed out so all of the earth was showing. She closed her eyes and double tapped somewhere on the screen. It zoomed in to show France.

"Paris?" I asked in a french accent and she laughed.

"Okay, to Paris," she said mimicking me. "How's this gonna work then?"

"Well, right now we're gonna book the soonest possible flight, and a five star hotel, and we're just gonna go."

"But for how long? What do I need to pack?" She said, sounding anxious.

"It's up to you how long we go for. Maybe we should go for the weekend this time so Ellie doesn't panic. Even one night in Paris with you would be perfect for me," I said, and brought my lips to hers.

"Okay, fine. Let's do it," she said, pulling me closer to her.

We found a five star hotel with a view of the Eiffel Tower, and booked the flights. We had only an hour to get ready before we needed to leave for the airport. Alex was panicking about what to pack, but I assured her that we would just buy anything that we needed while we were there. It was exciting for me to actually be able to spend some of the money Adam had given me. So far all I had bought was a house, and Ellie's car.

"What do you mean you're going to Paris?!" Ellie's voice yelled down the phone at me.

"I mean we're going to Paris," I laughed.

"Are you fucking kidding me? What about me?"

"Ellie, honey, it was a last minute decision okay. I'll buy you and Mark a romantic holiday when you want, just let me have a weekend away with my new girlfriend please," I begged.

"What about work?" she complained, we need to sort this new contract with Miranda!"

"You can handle it, Ellie."

"I know I can handle it Jamie, but I'm gonna be all alone."

"So have Mark over, and ask Rachel to help out at work, she wouldn't mind the extra cash," I suggested. Rachel was Ellie's younger sister, she came with us to assist when we had big photography events.

"Fine. But you owe me," Ellie finally agreed, and I smiled.

"Thank you. But seriously Ellie, I owe you one? You live in my house, I bought you a car, and you get my company all the time. What more could you want?" I laughed.

"I'll think about it and let you know when you get back," she joked. "Just, have a good time, okay? And be safe."

"I will. I'll call you."

"Love you."

"Love you too," I said, before I hung up the phone.

"Is she angry?" Alex asked.

"No she's fine, she's just going to miss me," I laughed.

"I'm sure she'll manage. We need to get going soon. Are you all packed?" she asked, and I ran through the checklist I had mentally written.

"Yeah I think so. Are you?"

Alex nodded, and went upstairs to grab her suitcase. I followed her, staring at her ass as we went up.

I couldn't believe I was going to have a week alone with Alex in Paris. I was so excited. I thought back to a few weeks ago when I was stuck in a boring routine with Adam, and I was so happy at how things had changed so quickly. I never would have thought about spontaneously jumping on a plane to another country with Adam. Alex just made me a completely different person. A better person.

We loaded our cases into the taxi and left to go to the airport. Alex looked a little nervous still, so I held her hand and she seemed to calm down.

"I'm not good with flying," she admitted.

"It's a good job you're not a pilot then," I joked and she laughed.

"You're an idiot," she said, nudging me sideways slightly. "But thank you for this, it's gonna be amazing."

"Don't thank me, I should be thanking you."

"For what?" she frowned.

"For making me the happiest I can remember." I felt really stupid saying something like that, but it was so true. And she needed to know how she makes me feel.

Alex didn't say anything, she just pulled my lips to hers. I was sure the taxi driver was staring at us through his rear view mirror, but I didn't care.

The car had been stopped for about a minute before the driver cleared his throat and said "We're here."

Alex and I stopped kissing, and thanked the driver, then climbed out of the cab and took our cases from the boot. We walked into the airport holding hands, dragging our cases behind us.

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