Chapter Fifty

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The next morning, I was woken up by my phone's ring tone. I groaned as I reached to grab it from the bedside table.


"Miss Collins, hi, it's Andy from the security company," a deep voice responded.

"Oh, hey," I replied, sitting up in bed and clearing my throat so I didn't sound like I'd just woken up. It was almost lunch time, I must have been tired.

"I just wanted to let you know, we're all done here. I left your invoice and other paperwork with Miss Thompson."

"That's brilliant, thank you!" I said, excited that we would be able to go home today.

"No problem. Please let us know if you have any issues, and we'll see you in twelve months for the inspection and upgrade."

"Thank you, Andy. Bye" I said, and hung up the phone.

I turned to look at Alex, who was still sleeping peacefully next to me. Part of me wanted to leave her to sleep a while longer. The more impatient part of me decided that wasn't a good idea.

"Baby, wake up," I said softly, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Five more minutes," she requested sleepily.

"No," I argued, and started to kiss her neck.

She moaned, and arched her back slightly. I kissed her again, and again, slowly moving down to her chest. I looked up, and saw that her eyes were still closed, but she was biting her lip. I pulled the cover off of her, exposing her perfect, naked body, and kept kissing all over her breasts and stomach.

Alex kept letting out sexy little moans, so I kept kissing. When I got to her lower half, I ran my tongue along the inside of her thigh, and felt her body jerk slightly. And then I stopped, and stood up.

"What?" she asked, finally opening her eyes.

"Come on, we can go home!" I said excitedly.

"You're joking?"

Alex looked annoyed, and I laughed.

"Baby, come on," she said, sitting up in bed, "I'm fucking dripping, here! You can't just leave me like this!"

"We can continue this at home," I smiled smugly, and she pretty much growled at me. She was even hotter when she was mad.

While we both got dressed, Alex kept shooting death glares my way. Each time she did it, I would walk over to her, and kiss her on her cheek, which only annoyed her more.

"I'll get you back for this," she promised, packing all of our things into the suitcase.

We checked out of the hotel, and got into my car. Alex drove us home, and was very quiet.

"You still mad at me?" I asked, as sweetly as possible.

"I'm not mad," she answered, "I'm horny."

"Don't worry, we'll be home soon. Ellie and Rach are at the studio, so we've got the whole place to ourselves," I said.

"Tell me what you're gonna do to me," Alex demanded, and I froze. I didn't know how to answer, I'd never really talked dirty to anyone before.

"You'll have to wait and see," I said shyly. I saw Alex try to hide a smile.

"We'll work on that," she laughed, and I blushed.

"Shut up!"

Alex just laughed at my reaction, and put her hand on my leg while she drove. She slowly moved her hand towards my core, and occasionally looked at me from the corner of her eye. My breathing increased as her hand slid up my jeans. She pushed her hand gently on my clit through my trousers.

"Shall I tell you what I'm going to do to you?" she asked, in a low tone of voice.

"Okay," I whispered. I was trying not to lose it, while she ran one finger up and down the seam of my jeans, over my pussy. I was already so wet, that I wanted her to pull over and fuck me in the back of my car. She applied more pressure before she started to speak, taking me by surprise and making me release a high pitched moan.

"I'm gonna bend you over the kitchen table, and I'm gonna eat you out, like I did on the plane," she started, and I imagined it in my head as she spoke. "I'm gonna lick every little part of your wet pussy, until you beg me to stop. And when you do, I'm gonna fuck you with my fingers until you're ready to go again."

"Alex, pull over."

She laughed, and I gave her a pleading look, while biting my lip.

"Baby, we'll be home in two minutes," she said, speeding up. Her fingers were still teasing me.

I took her hand in mine for a second, unbuttoned my jeans with my other hand, then led her hand back to where it was. Her fingers roamed into my panties. She put one finger against my clit, and moved it slowly in a circular motion.

"Fuck," she said, reacting to how wet I was.

I was so happy when we got home. Although we needed to work out the new gate. We needed to type in a password before it would open. Alex typed in the code that the security company had sent me, then sped up the driveway, and parked close to the house.

We both got out of the car quickly, and I unlocked the door. Alex kissed me roughly as we walked into the house.


I spun around quickly to see an array of people staring at us. My eyes widened and my face flushed red.

"Ellie... What-"

"It's a welcome home party," she beamed, ignoring the obvious awkwardness everybody else was feeling.

"...Okay," I said, still confused.

"Just come and have a drink," Rachel ordered, and I walked into the kitchen.

Mark and Brad were in the kitchen, along with Miranda, a man I assumed was Miranda's husband, several of the models we had been working with, and a few people I didn't recognise. Everybody came to say hi, and to tell me they're glad I had recovered from the accident, but I still had no idea what was going on.

"I just thought it would be nice for everybody to see you," Ellie explained,  "Miranda helped set it up, she thought it was a good idea."

"It was a nice thought, Ellie. I'm just tired, I was hoping to get an early night," I said, and Ellie raised an eyebrow at me.

"Honey, you were not hoping for an early night," she laughed. I ignored her and went to find Alex. She was talking with Miranda. I bent down to whisper in her ear.

"I told you, you should have pulled over."

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