Chapter Sixty Seven

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The next morning, Alex and I stayed in bed until almost lunch time. But it was Friday, meaning that we had only two days before we left for Venice, and I wanted to spend some time with Ellie before we went.

I dragged my beautiful girlfriend out of bed, and down the stairs, where we found Ellie and Rachel in the living room.

"Look!" Rach screeched, when she saw us. She was holding a Ellie's scan picture.

I ran over to sit next to Rachel, looking at the picture in her hand.

"Oh my god," Alex breathed.

"I don't see it," I said, and Rachel laughed.

"There's the nose, and the chin," she said, pointing at the picture, "and that's an arm."

"Oh, yeah! I see it now," I laughed. Ellie smiled at us all, excitedly.

"I'm six weeks and three days," she said.

"We're gonna be aunties!" Rach exclaimed. Alex and I smiled at her comment.

"I'm so happy for you, Ellie," I said, moving to sit next to her, and hugging her.

"Me and Rach are going to see our parents now, we'll be back late tonight," Ellie said.

"Okay, but tomorrow, you're not going anywhere, okay?" I replied.

"Yes, dear," she laughed, kissing me on the cheek. She left, with Rachel, leaving Alex and I alone.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure, but there's something we need to do first."

Alex took my hand, and pulled me towards the stairs. I got excited, and put my hands under her t-shirt as I walked up the stairs behind her. I ran my fingers gently up her back. As we reached the top of the stairs, I moved my hands around to her stomach, and then up to her boobs.

"You know, this isn't what I meant when I said there was something we needed to do," she said, putting her hands on top of mine, and squeezing so I was squeezing her boobs.

"Should I stop?" I asked, moving one hand down to her waist, and sliding it into her panties.

"You'd better not," she ordered.

I ran two fingers over her clit, slowly, and heard her breathing quicken. My other hand was still massaging her breasts, and was still being guided by her hand.

I pushed Alex towards our bedroom, while still fingering her. She moaned quietly at my touch, and orgasmed quickly.

When we got to the bedroom, Alex turned around and kissed do me roughly. She took my hands and held one against the wall above my head. She brought the other one to her mouth, and sucked my fingers, that were still wet from her pussy, then held it next to my other hand.

She started to bite my neck, and unbuttoned my jeans with one hand. The other was still holding my hands up against the wall. I loved it when she took control.

Alex finally released my hands, and pulled my t-shirt over my head. She took my hands and guided me to the bed. She lay me down, then pulled my jeans and panties off together. After taking off her own shirt and sweatpants, she kneeled down on the floor, then pulled me towards her.

She put two fingers inside me and move them quickly, while her tongue swirled around my clit. I ran my hands through her hair, pushing her slightly closer to me. I felt like I was ready to explode as she started to suck my clit.

I came almost immediately, but she continued to lick my pussy. She pulled her fingers from inside me, and brought her hand to my boobs. I kept letting out small, high pitched moans as she kept licking around my clit. After my second orgasm, I pulled Alex away from me. My heart was racing, and I couldn't take any more right now, as much as I wanted to.

She crawled up the bed and kissed me on the cheek, then lay next to me.

"I love eating your pussy," she said quietly, and brought her own fingers to her mouth. I blushed as I watched her lick her fingers.

"Don't go shy on me now, baby," she laughed, and I shushed her, rolling my eyes.

"So, if you didn't bring me upstairs to get me naked, why did you?" I asked, remembering that she said we had something to do.

"Oh! Yeah, I forgot," she said, and climbed out of bed. I stared at her ass as she walked over to the closet.

After a few seconds, she turned around holding a large bag. I recognised it immediately.

"Oh my god," I laughed.

"I know, I thought it would be a nice gift to them before we leave," Alex suggested, taking the bedding and curtains with Ellie's and Rach's pictures on, out of the bag.

"I completely forgot about them," I admitted.

"I'm not surprised, Jay. Tammy ran you over like, a minute after we got them," she laughed. I froze for a second, at the mention of Tammy's name. We hadn't spoken about her really, after that night.

"So, where are the canvasses?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation upbeat.

"They're under the bed. I forgot about them too, but noticed them in the car when I came home for a shower one day. So I thought they'd hide them, to cheer you up when you got home from the hospital."

We dressed speedily, then pulled the canvasses out from under the bed, and scurried about in Ellie and Rach's rooms. We put the bedding on their beds, hung the shower curtains, and put the canvasses on their bedroom walls.

"I really hope they bring the guys back tonight," I laughed.

Alex and I went downstairs and snuggled up on the sofa together with a blanket, to watch a movie while we waited for the girls to come home.

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