Chapter Fifty Seven

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"Holy shit," Alex whispered.

She was completely still, just like I was. I was frozen in place, and almost forgot to breathe. It wasn't Damien who walked into the room. It was a girl. I recognised the voice, but I couldn't picture who it was.

"Come out, Jamie. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. Not yet anyway," said the voice.

My heart raced as I stepped out from behind the bookshelf, holding onto Alex's hand still.

My eyes locked with the girl's straight away.


The red haired girl flashed an evil grin, and made a point of waving at me, to show off the gun she was wielding.

"It's good to see you again," she said, "it's a shame it's not under better circumstances."

"Tammy, why are you doing this?" Alex asked, but we already knew the answer.

I could see that Tammy was still in love with Alex that night at Rico's club opening, but we hadn't seen her since that night, so I never even gave her a second thought.

"Why am I doing this? Come on Alex, you're not stupid," she laughed, waving the gun around again. I squeezed Alex's hand, ready to pull her out of the line of fire, if Tammy got angry.

"Let's talk about this Tammy, you're not gonna hurt us, put the gun down," Alex said softly, her voice was shaking slightly from fear.

"Okay, let's talk," she said. "But you're gonna need to let go of her hand, before I cut it off."

Alex let go of my hand, and looked at me, horrified by what was happening.

"So, what do you- sit down, both of you!" She ordered, and we both sat against the wall. "Now, what do you want to talk about?"

"What are you gonna-"

"Not you, sweetheart," Tammy interrupted, glaring at me, "I have no interest in anything you have to say."

She looked back at Alex, who was trying not to cry. She seemed to be thinking the same thing as me- this isn't gonna end well, at least, not for me.

"Tammy, what do you want from us?"

"Alex, baby, you know what I want." I cringed at how she called Alex 'baby'. "I want the same thing I've always wanted. You."

"We broke up three years ago, Tammy. This is crazy." Alex said, and I winced.

"Don't call me crazy," Tammy snapped, with one hell of a crazy look in her eye.

"She didn't say you were crazy, she said this is crazy," I tried to reason with the maniac who sat a few feet away from me.

"I thought I told you to shut up," She growled, pointing the gun at my head.

"Tammy! Please," Alex squealed. Tammy looked back at her, sighed, and then lowered the gun.

"I know that we broke up three years ago, Alex. A little over three years, actually," she said, and I guessed that she knew how long exactly, down to the minute. "But I've loved you for all that time. Every now and then, I'd lose hope that we'd get back together, and every time that happened, we'd see each other, and end up fucking again."

Listening to her talking about Alex that way made my stomach turn.

"I'm sorry, Tammy. If I knew that you still had such strong feelings for me, I would have made sure that didn't happen again. I didn't mean to lead you on," Alex said, and I could tell she really regretted it.

"Of course I still have strong feelings for you. You're perfect," Tammy said, and I agreed in my head. I almost lost my mind after a day without Alex.

"Tammy, it doesn't matter how you feel about me, you can't just hold a gun at my girlfriend, and think it'll make me come running back to you," Alex said, raising her voice slightly.

"I didn't expect you to come running back to me! You don't need to run anywhere, because I've got you here now, and you're not going anywhere."

"You can't just keep us locked up here forever!"

"I don't plan on keeping you here forever, Alex. Just until you realise that we're meant to be together. If it takes too long, then I'll just remove the aggravating factors," she replied, shooting me a wicked look.

"You're not a murderer, Tammy," Alex pointed out. I prayed that Tammy wouldn't take her words as a challenge.

Tammy stood up suddenly, making Alex and I jump slightly.

"We'll see," she said calmly, and walked out of the door, locking it behind her.

"She's gonna kill me," I whispered, staring at the locked door.

"I won't let her hurt you, Jay," Alex promised.

I turned to face her, and smiled briefly.

"I love you so much," I said. "I need you to promise me something."


"If she does anything stupid, do whatever she asks," I said, and Alex frowned, "Tell her whatever she wants to hear. Convince her that you're gonna be with her, and when she let's you out of here, get the fuck away from her, and get help."

"I said, I won't let her hurt you," she repeated, pulling me into a hug.

We sat in silence for a while, holing eachother. I didn't know when Tammy would come back into the room again, and I had so many fucked up ideas about what could possibly happen. I just hoped that someone would come to save us before anything happened.

Alex fell asleep next to me, she was exhausted from everything that had happened. So was I, but I didn't want to sleep, knowing that Tammy could come back at any time.

I stayed awake as long as possible, but eventually, my body gave up and my eyes forced themselves to shut.

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