Is This Smash Ball House?

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Zelda slowly stood from her bed in the castle. She sighed, her face straight. She grabbed the envelope she had put on her dresser the night before. She opened it up, just to make sure she had memorized the address right. Smash Ball House, 1999 Master Avenue, Smashville, yes I memorized correctly, she thought. She made her way to the bathroom and showered. She changed into her formal, princess dress, in other words the one she practically wore everyday, and it somehow never got dirty. Probably because she spent her day inside most of the time. She did her make up, which wasn't a lot. She grabbed the luggage she had made the night before and walked out of her room. She made her way to the dinning room, where breakfast awaited her.

She sat at the end of the table, waiting for her breakfast to be served. She could do it herself, yes, but she was not allowed. She ran her hands through her long brown hair, making sure it wasn't tangled. She realized she forgot to braid the bottom, so she quickly did and tied it with a hair tie she had luckily grabbed. She would add everything else to it after breakfast.

"Good morning Zelda, sorry breakfast took so long," one of the maids said as she put her breakfast in front of her. 

"That's alright, I'm not really in a rush," Zelda said, carefully grabbing the fork and knife.

"I see you forgot to braid the bottom of your hair, I'll do it for you," the same maid said. Zelda nodded slowly as she ate her food. The maid walked to hair room and got the necessary things to do her hair. When she got back, she started slowly brushing Zelda's hair.

"Thank you, Lucy. I forgot to do it this morning, silly me," Zelda said, then took another bite of her food. Lucy is her best friend, and technically only friend. They tried to see each other as much as possible, but they each have duties to fulfill, so they couldn't hang out as much. But they still kept close. 

"No no, it's no trouble, are you excited to go?" Lucy asked as she braided Zelda's hair.

"I suppose, but I wonder what they will think of me," Zelda said, done with her food.

"Are you really worried about what they will think of you? Zelda, you are one of the kindest people I have ever met. I promise they will love you there!" Lucy smiled.

"Yes but, you know, never mind, I should get going. I wanna be there a little early so I'm not the last one, I hate that," Zelda said.

"I understand, good luck," Lucy said. "And remember, don't be nervous, they'll like you!"

"Thank you, Lucy," Zelda said, and left.


The limo's driver opened the door, letting Zelda step out. He then grabbed her luggage from the trunk and handed it to her. He bowed down to her and rode away. Zelda wiped any dust that was on her dress. She adjusted her crown, that became a little crooked during the ride. She lifted up her dress a bit, just to make sure her brown boots weren't dirty. She then took her phone out to make sure she was a little early.

"I wouldn't be too surprised if I were the first one," she said quietly. She walked forwards, her shoulders moving back and forth elegantly. She was about to open the door with the key the envelope came from, but she decided to knock just in case there was someone there. She heard the clacking of heels coming to the door. So there was someone else there. The door opened fully and quickly. Inside, a girl with bright golden hair, a pink dress, pink heels, pink everything! And a crown sitting on top of her head. The girl looked Zelda from the bottom to the top, and stopped at the top. She gasped and squealed; she gently took Zelda's hands and raised them to her chest.

"Yay! Another princess! I'm so glad I'm not the only one, for a second I thought I would be," the girl smiled. She let her hands go and bowed, holding her dress with two hands. "I'm Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom, but you can just call me Peach, nice to meet you!" 

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