Fight E.D

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Your longtime boyfriend, Ethan, finally decides to take you out to dinner after a few long weeks of barely seeing you. 

Lately, he has been pretty busy filming and rarely has any time to spare. 

This has created some distance between the two of you and has caused many heated arguments. 

Being around him now feels kind of awkward and uncomfortable since a lot has changed in your relationship with him.

Yet that never truly changed your feeling for him.

Ethan and you leave your shared place and arrive at the restaurant a few minutes afterward. 

He quickly jogs to your side and opens your door.

You thank him and connect both of your hands as you make your way to the restaurant. 

You guys get a table and wait for the waiter to come to get your orders.

"You look beautiful tonight," he says looking up from the menu meeting your eyes.

"Thank you. You look very nice too," you say slightly whispering, feeling a little embarrassed.

The waiter finally arrives and starts to take your order.

"Hi, I'm Chris, your server today, what can I..." he looks up from his notepad and looks at you. " you with," he says, raising an eyebrow.

"I will have the Cesar salad and some water please," you say with a smile.

"Yes, yes, of course," he says, quickly writing it down.

The waiter seemed to like you and couldn't keep his eyes off you.

"I will have the steak with the salad and water please," Ethan says.

The waiter is still distracted looking at you and doesn't pay much attention to him.

"Excuse me," Ethan says, a bit annoyed.

"Right away sir." 

The waiter walks away and gives you a flirty look.

Ethan notices and his whole body tenses up.

You decide to ignore it and not focus much on it.

Ethan, on the other hand, was furious. Nobody should flirt with his girlfriend right in front of him. He kept quiet not wanting to start a fight here and made conversation with you.

After a while your food was ready and the waiter came back.

He had a grin plastered on his face as he served your food.

"I hope you enjoy your food," he says, giving you a wink.

You ignore it and begin to eat.

Ethan notices and bursts out of anger.

"You're seriously not going to tell him anything," he says, raising his voice.

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